The headache, well, probably a meridian and/or energy channel in the brain.. I found Prill Water pops open all of your meridians, including the clogged ones in your head.. It also apparently harmonizes your chakras. I'm drinking it constantly now, I love it.

I leave the beads in always, and just tap off it, then refill it. Using RO water in my case, but distilled is fine too.. Not sure tap water is a good idea. wrote:
I started the beads last evening and didn't use the water until this afternoon. It was just plain ol tap water the first time and then used the filtered water from the refrigerator which I haven't tried yet. Guess I haven't been paying attention but what is Bovis? and how can I do that myself? I drank only one full glass and have been experiencing an on and off again slight head ache. Maybe I am detoxing and don't know it? Are you leaving the beads in the water while they are in the frig? Did you find out when you shipped the small Orgonite? Can't wait for all my Orgonite to get here.