Fw: Re: CS>chiggers

OK, time for my 2 cents worth.  Edith, if your husband hyper releases histamine 
like I do a combination of all the suggestions previously offered will probably 
all help in some aspect AND you might break open a few capsules or dissolve 
tablets of diphenhydramine (Benadryl or generic) in as little water as possible 
----duh how about in a little CS? --- and dab on the itchies - frequently---and 
repeatedly.  This will help the histamine response only, but it does wonders 
for bites.  I wonder how DMSO could figure in the mix as it might give better 
penetration and would also help the body resolve the inflammation process more 
rapidly.  I like this local application of a super concentration antihistamine 
because it acts thoroughly and rapidly .....and I don't have to nap all day 
from oral antihistamine.

Further FYI - I also use white toothpaste on ant bites as soon as they happen, 
just smear a gob over the whole area and all the stinging stops as well as 
preventing the red,itchy pustules.  We keep several tubes from the dollar store 
around the house and grab quickly if we or the grandkids inadvertently get into 
those stinging red ants.  Works every time.  If there are many, many bites you 
may need to apply the toothpaste, rub in well then wipe off with a wet cloth or 
under the faucet outside and apply a second coat of the white tooth paste.  Ant 
bites feel worse than wasp stings to my hyper reactive self and the toothpaste 
really works on the pain as well as the sequale.  

OK, Ode, ...Why does the toothpaste and could add CS to the toothpaste mix here 
to keep on topic...and would the CS further neutralize the bite reaction?  Is 
the bite "acid" and the calcium "alkaline" and penetrating like the ant venom 
to be able to neutralize it so quickly?  Huh?  Huh?  Huh?

To all the other CS'ers.  Thanks for all the thought provocations, laughs and 
CS info, especially the CS info as I am still very much in the initial learning 
curve and ya'll are awesome in your knowledge and ability to answer 

We are each a unique creation!     Vive la différence.

Paula in Palacios
Re: CS>chiggers
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 4:42:50 AM
"Ode Coyote" <odecoy...@windstream.net>
"" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
They aren't there TO suffocate.
Chiggers bite, get their nutrients and leave.

Epsom salt bath sounds likely..I'll keep than one in the file.

Chiggers do not burrow under your skin, as many people believe, nor do they 
feed on animal blood. They actually feed on the fluids in skin cells. To get 
the fluids, they attach themselves to a skin pore or hair follicle and inject a 
digestive enzyme that ruptures the cells. The enzyme also hardens the 
surrounding skin tissue, forming a sort of straw for sucking the skin cell 
fluids. The whole process irritates the skin, causing an itchy red bump that 
continues to cause discomfort for several days. Chiggers are only about 1/50th 
of an inch (0.5 mm) in diameter and so are too small to be seen with the naked 
eye. This invisibility is the reason so many people believe chiggers burrow 
under the skin.

One commonly known remedy for chigger bites is to apply nail polish to reduce 
itchiness. This does not kill the chigger or treat the bite in any way. It 
simply seals the area off from the air, which keeps the sore from itching so 
badly. If you want to apply something to relieve itching, it's much better to 
use a salve or cream that contains antihistamines (Caladryl or hydrocortisone 
salves are the most common). Like nail polish, these treatments will seal the 
bite from the surrounding air, but they will also help to prevent infection. If 
the welts continue to irritate you for more than a couple of weeks, they might 
be infected and you should see a doctor.


At 09:05 AM 6/22/2010 -0400, you wrote:
> brush a little clear nail polish on each one.  They will suffocate..
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 8:51 AM, 
> <<mailto:ejohns9...@aol.com>ejohns9...@aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 6/22/2010 5:45:09 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> <mailto:p...@zoomnet.net>p...@zoomnet.net writes:
> My husband came home from a trip with a nasty bunch of chigger bites all 
> over. Anyone know of a remedy? Thanks,
> Paula
> Soak in a tub of  warm/hot water with 3 cups Epsom salt added for at least 20 
> minutes.  This even works for poison ivy but you may have to do it 2 or 3 
> days.
> Edith