This sounds very prejudiced and indeed, patronising, to me.  I believe Dave has 
as much right to be here as anyone--his input is as valuable as anyone else's 
and to start 'calibrating' him because he does not share certain viewpoints, 
is, I think deplorable.  Ours not to judge--to coin a phrase!  dee

On 4 Oct 2010, at 18:22, Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Posting to a forum is always a problem. As one progresses spiritually they 
> find that at some point they realize that giving information to someone that 
> does not want it is infringing on their free will.  While this can be easily 
> avoided on a one on one situation, for a forum it is impossible, for to 
> maintain a level of knowledge no higher than the lowest calibrating  member 
> will not assist anyone. One has to shoot more for the average level of the 
> list.  For instance there are things I post on the off topic list which I 
> will not post here because it would infringe on the belief system of some of 
> those on this list.  Unfortunately Dave calibrates much much lower than the 
> average person on this list (25 vs 565), and it is very obvious that he is 
> misplaced, this is not the forum  for him.  He needs to find a list that 
> calibrates no more than 200 which is the neutral point to be comfortable and 
> where his free will to believe what he wants is not being infringed on.
> Marshall

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