Thanks so much Paula -
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Paula Samuels Anthis []
  Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 12:49 AM
  Subject: CS>Mercury Filling removal - anesthesia

  Hi Jess and Pat,

  Jess.....If memory serves correct the carbocaine is detoxified more easily
and through different pathways than the lidocaine which usually has
epinephrine with it to make it last longer in the tissues, affording a
longer anesthesia.  For those of us with chronic health issues, the
detoxification process if already impaired or we would not have the chronic
condition, and our inability to handle the epinephrine is usually a part of
this chronic illness.  I have been told to not allow epinephrine to be given
to me under any circumstances, even anaphalaxis,  as my adrenals cannot
compensate for the shock of the epi effects in my body.  Also I never
thought I was having any trouble with the lidocaine with epinephrine until
that dentist gave me the carbocaine and I felt so much better in spite of
the other effects of the dental treatment.

  Pat.....If I had my choice I would definately see a biologic dentist as
they are trained far beyond regular dentistry regarding the interaction of
the dental materials and the human body - specifically YOUR body and various
materials including how to test your body for reactivity to any chosen
materials.  In my case it was a horrendously expensive difference, so I
chose to tough it out and paid the price of needing a couple of months to
detox what was released in the process of the drillling into my mouth - even
with the helper using the vacuum in my mouth I could feel the particulate
hitting all over my mouth and throat.  If I had been allowed to rinse and
spit more frequently it might have helped a bit, but he was drilling on
several teeth in the same sitting, trying to get the work done before the
end of my dental insurance coverage.  I did not start heavy metal reactions
for about 24 hours, but when I did it was a combat zone for weeks of
unrelenting sore throat, swollen glands, flu like symptoms, pain, low grade
fever, brain fog, lessened thyroid function and increased adrenal stress.  I
did eventually get over it and did use some heavy metal detox - what
specifically I cannot remember.  Only that I would probably try to do it
differently if I had the opportunity.

  Blessings, Paula

  Fw: RE: CS>Mercury Filling removal - anesthesia
  RE: CS>Mercury Filling removal - anesthesia
  Thursday, November 04, 2010 9:35:35 PM
  "jessie70" <>
  "" <>
  Paula, why is carbacaine better than lidocaine? I am also having work done
at the end of this month, removing a large, old mercury filling and
replacing with a partial crown and also two smaller mercury fillings to be
replaced.  Thanks, Jess