Food grade diatomaceous earth (about a teaspoon consumed daily) would  
supply minerals.  It also keeps bugs out of grain supplies and off your  
not to mention out of your attic.  You can get it very cheaply in  very 
large quantities.
In a message dated 11/12/2010 10:39:14 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I don't  know if you are familiar with Joel Wallach who did the "Dead 
Doctors Don't  Lie" tapes to get people into MLM colloidal minerals back 
in the mid  '90's, but he maintained that given good food vitamins were 
not that  critical since we can synthesize many in our tissues or gut 
with aid of  bacteria (but not Vitamin C), but minerals are the basic 
building blocks  that we must consume.   I don't know how to replace 
colloidal  minerals, perhaps by eating kelp if available, or using 
glacial rock dust  to grow our vegetables. 


Thora Rasmusen (Home)  wrote:
> One thing we could do that would be very powerful is to make  our own 
> vitamins.  It's time for those who know how to make  these things to 
> share their knowledge and their  recipes.
> Many on this list make thier own silver  water.  Why not the rest of 
> the stuff.
>  So, share your recipes and techniques for everything.
>  Thora

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