Rats...this confuses me more.  Sounds like Brooks is implying that
people have done nebulized CS when peroxide is added to it?  Is that
compatible with the other additions of DMSO and MSM?

The peroxide my doc gave me I think was only 0.0375%.  Brooks implies
people nebulize with concentration even more than 2% added to CS?

Sounds like there is a long road to slowly work up through if you want
to take nebulizers to the max.  First CS, then adding peroxide, then
adding DMSO, then adding MSM, then taking cayenne, then using brooks'
fancy nebulizer.  It could take a long time to slowly increase through
all that, but I may have to for myself someday.  In addition to my
friend, I know my lungs are infected with something as part of my
chronic lyme.  I don't have any response to that very low percentage
peroxide or to 10ppm CS.


On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 6:38 PM, David Snowdon <nor...@netscape.ca> wrote:
> I'd be very cautious when nebulizing DMSO on a smoker. It could release a
> lot
> of the stored poisons coating the lungs from smoking. Below is a message
> from Brooks
> Bradley:
> Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 21:34:54 -0500
> Subject: Re: CS>Caution using H2O2/CS Inhalation Therapy
> To all interested listmembers:
> I have followed the recxent postings relative to incorporating H202 into
> the pulmonary system protocol involving nebulization.  After inquiring
> from some of our staff involved in some of our evaluations several years
> ago ... I am informed that CAUTION is the watchword when dealing with
> unknown pathogenic parameters.
> I am informed that pronounced adverse reactions occurred in some of our
> animal evaluations.  The problem was determined to be based upon the
> nature/condition of the biological terrain of the lungs --- AT THE TIME
> OF INHALATION.  It seems that, although, the air sacs are superficially
> exposed to atmospheric 02 on every inhalation (excepting those
> compromised by anerobic pathogens insulated from this high O2 gas (air)
> ... there exists a circumstance presenting serious challenges to the
> UNREGULATED exposure to H202.
> The systemic challenge can manifest if sufficient volume of the H202
> mist comes into sudden...direct contact with ANY sizeable anerobic
> population  If there is a sizeable population of anerobes present
> ---WHICH PRESENT IMMEDIATE ACCESSIBLITY  to the incoming H202 mist ...
> the possibility exists that the foaming action could be great enough to
> generate SERIOUS consequences.
> This possibility rises by an order of magnitude if DMSO is involved in
> the protocol.  Our staff confirmed this through animal experiments.
> Adverse reactions were encountered in some cases involving H202
> concentrations as low as 2%.  The stabilizing protocol involved 100% 02
> at 1.25 atmospheres --- and was instituted at the FIRST signs of
> pulmonary distress.
> In my opinion, administering CS in combination with H202 --- into an
> unknown pathogenic environment involving the lungs --- could be VERY
> serious.  I am not attempting to be alarmist in this instance;  just
> pointing out what should be obvious to all deliberate/cautious
> researchers.  The odds against a serious adverse occurrence are,
> probably, higher than its likelihood ... but even long odds are not too
> desireable when the breathing system is involved.
> If one insists on experimenting with such a protocol, it would appear
> prudent to start at or below 0.5%  H202.  It would, also, be adviseable
> to mix a sample of the volunteer's sputum with a generous amount of your
> protocol solution and observe for reaction ... prior to inducing
> inhalation procedures.
> Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
> --
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