the only available source of TT that i know of is in the form of hot-tub
disinfectant... use instead of chlorine.  called Silspa...from online, a
place in wyoming.  do NOT approach the (only) u.s. mfgr of it or you may
hear from some men-in-black types.  there's some kind of "activator" that's
supposed to be used with it which i didn't have and from the look of the
ingredients i wouldn't use unless i had some solid confirmation that it was
i did use TT alone, no EIS for awhile to see what it did.  it seemed to work
about as well as EIS but no better.  not a definitive experiment... trial
group on the small side (1).
since then i read patent abstracts indicating TT can be powerfully activated
by ozonating it, and when so charged it stays that way pretty stable.  free
unused ozone bubbling away as O2 of course.  so i tried ozonating it and
that makes it taste very different and i sense (?) energized.  only have
messed with that a bit and put it aside til later, haven't been back to it.
i now am in a situation where i will re-visit this probably this year.  i
couldn't really tell due to my limited use, but it still works at least as
well as EIS.  the thing is i'm free of hepC symptoms since starting CS and
never get anything else that needs killing until lately i think.  i might
try it on the septic bursitis i'll post about shortly.
will read that link as soon as i get ma to bed.  eager to do so, thanks.


From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2011 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: CS>EIS and Tick-borne diseases

Hi Bob,

That silver compound you mentioned cured 30 out of 30 breast cancers in one

Did it do anything for you that EIS didn't?  Have any info/suggestions for
buying/taking it?


On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 8:29 PM, bob Larson <> wrote:

 if your CS is quite clear, under 15ppm, should be no problem with argyria.
i'm on my 5th year of CS for hepC and it's doing a good job managing but
never quite getting rid of it.  in 2006 CS saved my life from the hepC.
during the first year i started using it i drank at least 6 oz/day and often
more.  i drank a whole liter/day for several months.  much of that CS also
had Ag4O4 tetrasilver tetroxide added to it.  i'm not gray, and the moons of
my fingernails are white.  the moons are supposed to turn blue when you come
close to skin doing so, so then it's time to back off or stop).


       From: []
       Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2011 4:32 PM

       Subject: Re: CS>EIS and Tick-borne diseases

       nothing turn you to gray at that much amount?  took months getting
to that level?  how do you know it was working like no more lyme symptoms or
retesting from lab.  Sorry, so many questions.  I have not gotten over my
anxiety/emotion yet. I felt depressed having this tick-borne disease.


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