On Sat, 2 Oct 1999 22:21:37 EDT, ldybou...@aol.com wrote:

>Thanks for the info Chuck, now (as I said I'm very new at this) what ppm. 
>should I make for these things?? really strong for external and less for 
>internal?? My questions aren't just cuz I'm blond LOL I'm just really unsure 
>how much ppm. to take etc.

Well, If you need a number, any ppm between 5 and 15 ppm would be a good
general purpose strength in my opinion. It doesn't have to be strong to work
 I wouldn't worry much about dosage in any reasonable amount.
 Most people dose by the teaspoon/tablespoon.Start low and dose for effect.

  I take a shot glass full as a daily prophylactic dose. My sister drinks an 8
oz glass full. (When you make your own for pennies a gallon instead of $20/4oz)

 There are reports of others drinking much more for extended periods with only
beneficial effect. Do a web search on Bob Beck, a researcher involved in
bioelectronics who thinks CS is the best thing since sliced bread. I think SOTA
has an excellent site with papers that will interest you.
"Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are"
- Anonymous

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