Thank you for your post regarding the magnets.....I have always wanted to work 
with magnets but there is so much out there it is difficult to know what to get 
and where to put them......and if they really do work.....  I am pleased to 
read of your personal experiences and the fact that the book is such a great 
help and guides the exact placement.    I have purchased the wellness kit  this 
morning and look forward to learning about the world of magnets and the body.   
Put that together with the wonderful use of CS and there we go....

Kathy Neff 

Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 2:55 PM
Subject: CS>Another way to heal

      Although I love CS and have two CS machines and always keep a gallon on 
hand for emergencies--I also rely on a few other tried and true healing 
modalities.  Magnets are something I always reach for when something happens.

      I will rinse out a wound with CS, patch it up and place magnets either on 
or near it so that 1) there's no pain and 2) it heals a lot faster.  If I get 
something like a sprain or a break, I'd be using magnets.  In fact, I recently 
sliced my finger open with a box cutter.  Rinsed with CS and cayenne Tincture 
(because it kept bleeding), bandaged it up.  But it hurt so I placed a magnet 
on top and--no more pain.

      And a year ago this month I stepped off a rock and sprained my ankle very 
badly--tore all the ligaments right down to my toes.  It hurt so bad I couldn't 
stand up and so crawled into the house and into a chair. I had my DH get the 
magnets which we immediately wrapped onto the ankle.  It took the pain away in 
literally minutes.  

      For the next 2 days I limped and was sore, but not in pain.  The next 2 
days even the soreness stopped and the limping stopped.  I wound up wearing the 
magnets 24/7 for 7 weeks.  If I took the magnets off the pain would return but 
less so I knew it was healing.  At the end of the 7 weeks my ankle was good as 

      I met other people that had also sprained their ankles and had gone to 
the ER.  They either had to wear a boot for 6 to 8 weeks or walk with crutches 
for that time.  I did neither.  I was able to wear my regular shoes and 
continue on with my holiday celebrations.  

      So I think everyone should have a set of good strong neo magnets in their 
homes.  I did a lot of research a few years ago and decided that single pole 
magnets were my choice rather than products like Nikken that use both poles at 
the same time.  Single pole has a long history of tests and usage.  In my 
research I came across Peter Kulish's site at   after reading a lot of that site I decided that I 
wanted his magnets and book.

      The Japanese have used magnets for healing for centuries, yet they chose 
HIS book to teach their doctors about using magnets for health!  I own numerous 
books on magnets and health but I consider (along with the Japanese!) his to be 
the best.

      He has many small kits, but I would suggest that anyone interested in 
having magnets get his  full wellness kit.  It has the whole series of magnets 
(enough for healing several spots on the body at the same time), 2 water 
magnets (my cats and dogs doubled their intake of water when I started using 
magnetized water for them) his book, a bottle of oxygen drops and a reusable 
self-stick bandage for holding the magnets on.  If you already have good 
magnets, at least get his book because it will tell you placement, duration and 
which pole to use where--and it's very inexpensive.

      I actually have purchased TWO of his full wellness kits so that I have a 
set here to use plus a set to loan out. 

      Right now Peter is offering a 50% off sale on all kits and a 25% off on 
the 3 supplements that he carries.  I have no financial interest in this at 
all--it's just something I believe in as strongly as I believe in CS.

      If you go to his site and decide to purchase, all you have to do is put 
50% in the code area on the order page for the kits and put 25%S in the code 
for any supplements.  This sale is good till Dec 31st.

      He also has a 50% off sale on magnetic kits for fuel savings for both 
cars and for home heating systems that use either propane or natural gas.  
There's nothing for savings if you have electricity like I do, otherwise I'd 
have one of those kits too.  In fact, I do have a kit for my car which is being 
put on this weekend.

      If you wish for the code and link to the fuel savings email me at 
gaiacita @ and I'll send it to you.  Since it's not about healing I 
didn't want to put it on this list, whereas the wellness kits ARE for healing.

      Hope this helps someone.  
