Thanks Bob,
 I will look into it. Sounds promising.

Bob Banever wrote:

   Make yourself or buy a Godzilla and treat your sensitive tooth and roots
with a small amount of DC electricity, no more than 6 volts but even half
that will work.  Go to microelectricitygermkiller group on Yahoo for info...
you can buy all the parts for about $10.  It's simple and effective... the
electricity will kill any bacteria in or on the tooth or root and quickly
stop pain and sensitivity.  Works like nothing else.... I've saved myself
thousands in potential root canal therapy by using this device.  It stops
cavities in their tracks!  All you need are batteries (do NOT us 9 volt
batteries... its too much juice and potentially dangerous), two insulated
wires, sponges, elastic bands.  You can even use one flashlight battery and
solder the wires to either end, using the other ends to apply to the tooth.
Even this small amount of electricity works.  Make sure you get the
schematics or directions from the group.  Good luck.

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