Hi T,
I've been a certified hypnotherapist, so I know suggestion can play a very important role in immune-boosting, pain mitigation, etc.. I've even seen the visualization of turning off a spigot stop a hemophiliac's bleed.

That said, the 10-day herx-from-hell I experienced after a few initial Rife treatmernts went WAY beyond anything I'd ever experienced (even 20 hours of back-ache labor) and it was nothing my mind could have possibly cooked up, or alleviated. Indeed, it was only the steadying knowledge that I'd effectively killed pathogens and was having a Jarisch-Herxheimer response that kept me from racing to the E.R. where I knew I would encounter only ignorance of Lyme and derision of Rifing (if I'd been fool enough to mention it) Backing off on the frx at the herx onset and learning detox helped and I learned to respect what frequencies can do, both to our critters, and to us, once dead pathogens become toxins.

Suggestion and belief systems lessened pain to some degree in the decades of undxed Lyme and psoriasis that came out of its toxic load, but relief of chronic stuff is hard to maintain for any length of time. The arduously-sought, proper (for me) Lyme protocols restored me to much better health, and the amazing liver-supporting Milk Thistle finally made the psoriasis recede.(BTW, I have no idea what silymarin actually does to effect this)

I've seen my Rife machine (FScan 2) wipe out shingles, trigeminal nerve pain, and many other, easier, pathogen-based afflictions in friends. They humored me and have used my funny gizmo, only to be surprised at the results.

One doesn't have to know the science of rain and H20 to understand that an umbrella will keep you dry. Most of us are too busy trying not to be sick to spend a lot of time researching the science we're employing. We live by 'The proof of the pudding is in the eating.' Sometimes we make mistakes, but so do scientists. (May I present Big Pharma)

When I'm completely well, if I find the time, I might engage in debates about how many angels fit on the head of a pin or how many pinheads fit on the head of an angel, but I suspect I'll just be doing more travelling (just got back Fri. from a rigorous 6 month RV trip) painting, making music, entertaining, writing, and LIVING, thanks to the various protocols that truly helped me fight this crummy disease.

Be well,
On May 8, 2012, at 8:59 AM, 123 456 wrote:

I wonder how much of an influence ones belief system has on the
eventual success or failure of these treatments,no matter what they
are called.
Just an observation.

On 5/8/12, Mike Monett <mrmon...@pstca.com> wrote:
 "Nenah Sylver" <nenahsyl...@cox.net> wrote:

If someone doesn't agree with others, being nasty is uncalled for.

You can simply say, "I don't agree," and explain why.

 I thought I was being kind. Did you detect any unpleasantness  in my

I brought  up  my  electromedicine  article  because  there  was a
discussion on this group about macular degeneration, which evolved
into the use of LEDs, which my article discusses. So I  thought my
writing might prove helpful.

For those  of  you who use Rife Therapy and  know  that  it indeed
works, you  might  be interested to know that over  the  course of
several decades, there have been a few thousand articles published
on the  use  of  EM  fields  /  pulsed  magnetic  fields  / pulsed
electrical fields  etc.   to   heal   infectious  and degenerative
conditions and  restore  cell  function. Here  is  a  link  to the
articles that were published in respected medical journals.

 Do you intend on explaining how you can bypass the basic fundamental
 physics questions  I  raised,  or do you  intend  on  ignoring these

http://www.emf-portal.org/_index.php  You'll   have   to   do some
digging, but  it's  a fascinating site and  your  searches  may be
worth it.

 A promoter  works the same way in any field. When you have  money at
 stake, it is best to ignore the facts.

Interestingly, the  name "Rife" is not used in these  articles (to
the best  of my knowledge) due to the hostility that the  name can
elicit at times. As we have seen here. But it's similar therapy.

 Then it has the same issues that need to be addresed.

 Please answer them. Each one if you please.

All the best,


Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)


 Mike Monett

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