Vit D releases calcium into the bloodstream which is toxic in higher amounts. Vit D overdose is still a possibility for human. Rodents dont have an aversion to Vit D so rat poison can does them with a large amount proportional to body size. FDA is widely considered corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry. Vitamin levels are often minimal standards and not for optimum health. Some of the standards were set a rather long time ago with limited knowledge of biochemistry compared to today. Some standards also change, for example the proposed optimum nutrition food pyramid, illustrating that even supposedly unbiased standards are prone to error.

On 12/6/2012 11:57 AM, André Juthe wrote:
Ok so the FDA's recommendations of vitamin D3 are very wrong? This is
a bold claim. Do you have a some references for this?


2012/12/6 sol <>:
André Juthe wrote:
Everything including water is bad if it is is taken in too high does,
are you claiming that even eating according to the recommendations of
FDA is unhealthy?

If you mean eating according to the USDA food guidelines, I certainly do
think it is un healthy. LOL

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