Good Grief!  I even proof-read before I hit send.  I had my four wisdom teeth 
out when I was 16.  This tooth which is now missing was the next to the last on 
top (not counting the wisdom tooth spot.)  It shows when I smile big.  

This dentist is a mercury-safe one.  He does a zirconia implant which seems to 
be a lot more expensive than the regular ones.  Their site states, "There is no 
metal involved.  Zirconia is a special type of ceramic, 
which is biocompatible and non-irritating to gum tissues.  This system 
is entirely metal-free, with a comparable success rate and longevity to 
titanium implants.  Although Zirconia implants are relatively uncommon 
in the United States, they have been widely used in Europe for decades.  
Extensive clinical studies have proven the safety and effectiveness of 
this option." 

Sorry about mis-speaking.  That and forgetting words or names is the most 
annoying part of aging!


 From: MaryAnn Helland <>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Tooth infection

Pat -- I read your post several times, and I'm still confused.  I can't figure 
out how you could have a "gap", or worry about a missing wisdom tooth "showing" 
-- when wisdom teeth are the further-most back teeth in the mouth, very close 
to the jaw hinge.  Most people lose their wisdom teeth early on (mine were gone 
before I turned 28) and never give them a thought.  I've never heard of anyone 
having them even filled, much less crowned.  Are you sure you're not talking 
about one of the molar teeth?  If you really are talking about the wisdom 
teeth, I'd advise you to save your $4,500.00 -- no one will ever know that the 
tooth is gone!  Regardless -- don't stop smiling!!  :-D

From: Pat <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thu, March 14, 2013 7:45:41 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Tooth infection

I had to have a wisdom tooth extracted a couple of months ago.  It had had a 
mercury filling removed and had ozone treatment and a partial crown a year ago, 
but it became abscessed.  The dentist said that I had two choices, root canal 
or extraction.  He said that he wouldn't have root canals for himself or his 
family since the bacteria hides in the roots and even ozone cannot get rid of 
all of it.  I hate having this huge gap and often quit smiling to cover it 
(even though the kids say it doesn't really show.)  The dentist said that I 
could be evaluated for an implant in 5 or 6 months, but that one would cost 
$4,500.  I guess I'll have to get used to the gap.  = (


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