I was reading on one of the Lyme sites that there is a new blood test for lyme 
which is said to be 100% accurate that costs about $200. I really just started 
researching. I never heard of Frex. Never tried any of the rife kind of stuff 

-----Original Message-----
>From: Joe Huard <joe.hu...@primus.ca>
>Sent: Sep 8, 2013 1:40 PM
>To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>Subject: Re: CS>bioresonance
>I am not sure that I have Lyme, but I am getting prepared for it should 
>it come. I am also on the FreX group and the list owner is helping 
>people with Lyme in Australia with plasma waves. Another promising area 
>that is slightly more expensive than remote healing with Spooky.
>On 08/09/2013 1:23 PM, Paula Perry wrote:
>> That is really interesting to know. Are you trying to use it for lyme?
>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Joe Huard <joe.hu...@primus.ca>
>>> Sent: Sep 8, 2013 11:29 AM
>>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>>> Subject: Re: CS>bioresonance
>>> Recent articles on Lyme have come out saying that the number of Lyme
>>> sufferers in the US is 10 times what was claimed before by the CDC.
>>> The subject of Lyme is coming up on many of the groups that I am on.
>>> There are also dedicated groups on Yahoo.
>>> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/09/04/lyme-disease.aspx?e_cid=20130904Z1_PRNL_art_1&utm_source=prmrnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20130904Z1
>>> http://www.peoplespharmacy.com/2013/09/05/is-there-such-a-thing-as-chronic-lyme-disease-or-is-it-all-a-conspiracy/
>>> There are people on the Rifeforum treating Lyme even with remote
>>> healing. The practitioner just uses a DNA sample from the patient such
>>> as nails or hair. The software to run it is free and is called Spooky.
>>> That group uses a frequency generator (DDS) called UDB 1108S that costs
>>> $58. I just got my DDS last week and am learning how to use it.
>>> Joe H.
>>> On 08/09/2013 10:11 AM, Paula Perry wrote:
>>>> I recently had bioresonance testing. Has anyone else been tested with it? 
>>>> Anyone have an opinion about it? I got the testing because my hair 
>>>> suddenly started to fall out. Lots of it. The MD's think it is related to 
>>>> thyroid but haven't been able to fix it in over 4 months. Any way the lady 
>>>> that did it told me a lot of information. One of the things was that she 
>>>> said she detected the bacterium for Lyme and some fellow travelers. She 
>>>> also said my body does not like electro-pollution, and pesticides. She 
>>>> suggested I listen to theta binaral beats for emotional trauma. I did 
>>>> listen to that last night on utube and it was quite relaxing. I do 
>>>> actually feel and energy change or more full of energy. Any thoughts on 
>>>> any of this are welcome. Thanks a lot for reading this.
>>>> Paula
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