Paula and others, before you spend a bunch of bucks on bioresonance, you
ought to do some careful research to determine for yourselves if it is
quackery or something really helpful.  For example, see and
-Method.html and and .  Do a search of
the internet for "Bioresonance Therapy" to find many more sites.  


Personally, I don't know if this alleged therapy is worthwhile or worthless,
but my scientific training leads me to think the ones who primarily benefit
are the ones selling the therapy.


Steve Y


>> I recently had bioresonance testing. Has anyone else been tested with it?
Anyone have an opinion about it? I got the testing because my hair suddenly
started to fall out. Lots of it. The MD's think it is related to thyroid but
haven't been able to fix it in over 4 months. Any way the lady that did it
told me a lot of information. One of the things was that she said she
detected the bacterium for Lyme and some fellow travelers. She also said my
body does not like electro-pollution, and pesticides. She suggested I listen
to theta binaral beats for emotional trauma. I did listen to that last night
on utube and it was quite relaxing. I do actually feel and energy change or
more full of energy. Any thoughts on any of this are welcome. Thanks a lot
for reading this. 
>> Paula

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