Thank you for your comment, it answered a question I have always had and havent 
gotten a real good answer for and that is how long do you make colloidal silver 
for, now I have that answer.thank you

Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 07:42:53 -0500
Subject: Re: CS>Book listing needs a comment?

Plugged in, the silver rods begin to show activity- one bubbles, the
other ejects particles. 

The atomic-sized ions of silver you **see ??** [Gee, darned good eyes
there to see atoms or even smaller ions!] are not yet **big?** enough to
qualify as medical grade. Add a pinch of electrolyte- [salt?] the now
yellow/gold color indicates safe, proper sized colloids. 

With just 30-90 seconds per ounce of water, you will get the health
giving results you seek. You will safeguard from disease, and perhaps
even save the lives of, well... everybody!

##  Phone lines are 50 volts DC with a 100 volt ringer pulse with
current control at 20 milliamps. [to prevent fires if lines are short

The FDAs 'final word' is just a bunch of doubletalk that says "We
don't know, no one is going to pay us to find out and there is no
evidence to suggest that we SHOULD know. So, if you feel you need to ask
PERMISSION...we'll just-say-no to cover our asses."

"Not proven safe and effective" does NOT mean ....proven unsafe
and ineffective.

It just means that no one has found a reason to do all that expensive

If you don't call it a food [which is a drug that treats the disease
'hunger']  or a drug, then it's none of our business.

Carry on kiddies and don't make us come down there or we'll just send you
to your room with a dunce cap like the "big brother" you asked
for, would.

Now, if YOU want to fork over 30 million bucks to prove what you already
know and found out for free?

If YOU want all those expensive regulations attached to your kitchen ?

 Have at it.

 The FDA


At 03:35 AM 12/11/2013 -0500, you wrote:

Hi gang!

While on the way to something else -- typing in the prefix
"anti" into

ixquick's search window -- and getting a "suggestion" of

superhero," I found my way to this page on amazon:

IIRC this guy might have hung with us for a while at some point. I

remember somebody on the list came up with the idea of a phone-line

generator at some point...

I've read the main description and most of the comments, and I'd like

add one from "us" that, a bit more gently than the one negative

there already, adds the notion of slow-brewing, and any other

y'all think we should add. What's the voltage on the phone line?

the quickest way to turn an unregulated generator like this one into

like we prefer?

Has anybody bought this book? It's like 2001 vintage, so it's been

around quite a long time. Can you summarize?

Your thoughts and suggestions? I'll work up the text if y'all will

me collate the ideas you provide.

Be well!

Mike D.


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