
First off, no need to beg. ; )

The bit about AV was me repeating what someone else had written. So I apologize.

Aside from your typos which make it hard to interpret, your last statement is 
hard to decipher. Is it meant to talk about DMSO or the other things you 
brought up. If it is DMSO that is so bad then why is it available easily at a 
farm food store or over the counter at a drugstore?

The odour problem that you allude to is when large dosages are used. My wife 
and I have not noticed this with low doses and she has an ability to smell 
things two blocks away. : ) Garlic makes me sick also. Additionally who cares 
if a bit of odour is present if you are suffering from a problem and DMSO gives 
you relief while you figure out the issue ?

After a few moments I realized you cut and pasted from Wackipedia, possibly the 
worst place on the web. The place is basically used by Big Pharma to sell it's 
products and dis everyone else including colloidal silver. They also dismiss 
Rife machines and every other alternative medical modality. Their trashing is 
in true Allopathic drug company marketing style. Wackipedia has a long and very 
bad history, due to the fact that anyone with a computer and a KB can write 
what they please, which is why it is called a Wiki. 

My experience is that there are paid professional writers who post on WP and 
they are paid to make sure revisions are revised as soon as someone changes 
their version. WP has been very criticized for this to the point that some of 
the entries have been given a warning in their title that it is controversial.

I believe about 3% of what WP says. Max!


On 2014-07-26, at 13:53 PM, Sandra George wrote:

Hi There Alan - I beg to differ - Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an organosulfur 
compound with the formula (CH3)2SO. This colorless liquid is an important polar 
aprotic solvent that dissolves both polar and nonpolar compounds and ismiscible 
in a wide range of organic solvents as well as water.   It penetrates the skin 
very readily and has the unusual property that many individuals perceive a 
garlic-like taste in the mouth after contact of DMSO with the skin.[2] This 
perceived garlic odor may be due tononolfactory activation of TRPA1 receptors 
in trigeminal ganglia.[3] Unlike dimethyl and diallyl disulfide (also with 
odors resembling garlic), the mono- and tri- sulfides (typically with 
disgusting odors), and other similar structures, the pure chemical DMSO is 
odorless.    Although it has some niche medicinal uses, it also has significant 
known side effects.    It has been discussed as treatment for cancer and other 
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

On 26 Jul 2014, at 16:25, Alan Faulkner <> wrote:

My understanding is that DMSO is made from Aloe Vera, in which case just get a 
plant for 2 dollars at any plant store/or big box store. Take off a piece of a 
leaf , break it open and rub it on the skin or pour the juice down the ear. To 
take it internally just crush and drink.

On 2014-07-26, at 09:58 AM, sol wrote:

evelyn wrote:
> Hello,
>  I have been trying to cure a sealed ear infection with silver.  It worked 
> a lot, so long as my ear was not inflamed.  Now I am active and it is always 
> getting inflamed.  The curing stopped.  My question is really, how much 
> should I/ can I take? I am taking Source Naturals 30ppm. Now I take 
> 1-2tsp/day. Â I am avoiding the sun like the plague.
> Thank you so much for any advice.
You can use the CS with about 10% DMSO added (9 parts CS, 1 part DMSO) as ear 
drops. My understanding and experience is that CS alone will not penetrate the 
ear tissues, but add DMSO and it will. Nose drops or a once or twice sinus 
rinse might also be helpful for a human. I used CS/MSM/DMSO ear drops plus 
twice a day nebulizing with same for a bunny with a lifelong chronic ear/upper 
respiratory infection, along with standard rabbit safe antibiotics. He had to 
have all of it daily for many years, but he did live to be 12.

For us humans here, I tend to use what worked on my animal(s).


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