Sorry, did I miss-read this?  I thought you said that you take CS for 16/17 
years several ounces daily, then you go on to say in brackets, that you DO NOT 
take your CS daily?  Dee

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> On 6 Jan 2015, at 14:28, wrote:
> I'm red headed, fair complexion, and sunburn easily.. Have not followed the 
> d3 much but
> as far as being in the sun...coconut oil is God's sun screen. I can put it on 
> in the AM and
> be out in the sun all day. It cuts the majority of the negatives and allows 
> the sun to interact
> with your skin to generate Vitamin D. I get a bit of color but no burn, no 
> peeling, no itch and I get darker than I've ever been in my life...and I'm 
> crowding 70 and grew up in south Texas, been burned
> as an eleven year old so bad the blisters on my legs were dinner plate 
> size....and yes, I'm
> aware of the melanoma stats... You owe it to you and yours to check it out. 
> The information
> is readily available.
> As far as the flu, colds, sinus, etc...I've taken CS for at least the last 
> 16/17 years, several ounces
> daily (I do NOT not take my CS daily) and I have not had any issues with 
> those in that whole span. 
> CS is NOT a cure all but it certainly is not going to do any damage....and I 
> have to shake my head
> at those that will only take a tablespoon or so....or swish it around and 
> spit it out.. Swishing and spitting is okay if that makes one feel better but 
> then I'd be drinking and ounce or two.
> Nebulizing...saturate your CS with MSM and add 10% DMSO..
> Also, we tossed sugar a long time ago, opting for Xylitol instead...and if 
> you have them both do NOT set them side by side..'cuz you will NOT be able to 
> tell the difference.. We use it for everything we
> would normally use sugar for..  And for all you sceptics..and that could be 
> most of you, I really do
> not care. My wife of 48 years and I are both in our late sixties and are on 
> no prescribed meds.
> Uncleben ...