Thinking requires an open mind, right?

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> On Feb 24, 2015, at 2:36 AM, Dee <> wrote:
> I think the best line to take - being that there is no absolute proof 
> available - is to keep an open mind.....Dee
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 24 Feb 2015, at 04:18, Victor Cozzetto <> wrote:
>> Hi Neville, Dave,
>> I would have to take issue with your statement that 'thought does not have 
>> anything to do with anything.' We are far past the 'voodoo' and 'magic' 
>> stigma at this point. Fields of science such as PNI (Psychoneuroimmunology) 
>> are well established on a firm bed of experimental results. Not to mention 
>> all the things happening in epigenetics. There is no question that our state 
>> of mind has a direct impact on our health.
>> We are more than mere machines. Food for thought: One of the most shocking 
>> displays of the power of the mind is found in those that suffer from split 
>> personality disorder. There are cases when one personality emerges, and 
>> instantly changes the eye color of the individual, causes scars to emerge on 
>> the body, and other radical physiological changes. And it all changes back 
>> when that persona changes.
>> A more romantic example is the link between two people in two different 
>> faraday cages. I'll save that for another time, if anyone is interested. Of 
>> course you can google such things.
>> I don't think you guys meant to sound so absolute, but I did not want to 
>> leave those comments hanging out there. And I thought this might be 
>> interesting to some people.
>> Victor
>>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 8:29 AM, Neville <> wrote:
>>> Humans are the only animals that have the power to think and reason, 
>>> animals/reptiles/insects etc etc just do what they do by instinct without 
>>> thinking or reasoning anything.  Animals are prone to cancer so it doesn't 
>>> follow that thought has anything to do with anything, however, if it makes 
>>> people feel better or more positive about things then that's fine, let's 
>>> face it, people need 'something' to believe in, animals etc don't need to 
>>> believe in anything, they just are.
>>> Barry Lynes book "The Cancer Cure that Worked" explains the cancer virus 
>>> and how it has the ability to morph into different shapes/forms.  For 
>>> decades the "experts?" considered only one form of cancer, {monomorhic}, 
>>> back in the 30's Rife and I believe Kendall proved this is not so, cancer 
>>> virus is  pleomorphic {changes shape/form}, and this is probably why so 
>>> many cancers are missed early, because they don't know what to look for, 
>>> and because you can't tell todays "experts?" anything they are probably 
>>> still stuck in their Prehistoric thinking and in complete denial.
>>> It's a war out there today between those who truly understand research 
>>> {they are pretty much an extinct species today} and those funded by a 
>>> particular funding body who pay researchers to provide acceptable answers.
>>> Independant thinkers, those who have not and will not be conditioned and 
>>> institutionalised by the system are a dying breed and are becoming more and 
>>> more ostracised and ridiculed by the general public.  If one doesn't 'toe 
>>> the establishment line' then one will be forced to toe the line by 
>>> legislation/coercion/emotional blackmail/guilt etc.
>>> N.
>>> Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 10:14:05 -0800
>>> Subject: Re: CS>Cancer being a virus
>>> From:
>>> To:
>>> There is a theory that Cancer is accomplished by cells that normally die 
>>> when new replacements are formed, fail to do so, thereby a doubling of 
>>> cells at a given location.
>>> Called Apoptosis I believe or something like that. 
>>> Would explain why it occurs in animals and has nothing to do with thought.
>>> Dave