You could try h202 also.
Make a solar distiller from a sprounting cold frame.

 To learn who over rules you, simply find out who you are not allowed to 
criticize. Voltaire

> On Apr 8, 2015, at 3:29 PM, 2Words <> wrote:
>> On 4/8/2015 11:53 AM, Neville wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> 1.  How do you know those pieces of silver you have "laying around" are 
>> 99.99% pure fine silver?
> I ordered them specially - a while back for just this purpose. Made a few 
> batches in the past. The only deterrent has been the water issue - since I 
> can't source distilled in a store that's useable and the countertop distiller 
> was a hassle to use with an ac converter 600 watts or more iirc. But never 
> mind, I did make up a batch, I am that desperate now due to the staph 
> infection on my leg. It should be ready in about 2 hours. 6 hours took just 
> for the water to distill. 
>> 2.  If it's plug and forget you're thinking about, isn't Ode's a "set and 
>> forget" generator?  I haven't got one of his, the Puppy, but am encouraged 
>> to ask why his didn't resonate with you?
> I went to the site - I couldn't find what I was looking for. I wanted one of 
> those little black boxes I remembered from way back. Wasn't there. A whole 
> other bunch of other stuff was - that I didn't need.
>> 3.  And from a personal viewpoint, I wouldn't be looking at a battery unit.  
>> Others here can attest to the efficiency of Ode's generator, as they will do 
>> I am sure.
> Yeah - I'd go for a/c but would be nice to have it also work on dc as well - 
> as back up. 
> That blurb states 99.999 silver as well, that's five nine silver, I'd be 
> asking to see the assay report to confirm that those electrodes are five nine 
> silver as well.
> I bought bullion way back, and silver electrodes from a good resource years 
> back.
> Both 99.999 with certificates.
> Joy