Right, Dee, and if one takes D3 then K2 is an absolute must.


On 10/9/2015 9:38 AM, Dee wrote:
Hi Ron and Neville, just thought I'd say that Vitamin K2 is good for strengthening blood vessel walls and also gelatin. See professor Ray Peat....Dee

Sent from my iPad

On 9 Oct 2015, at 17:05, Ron <ron....@gmail.com <mailto:ron....@gmail.com>> wrote:

G'day yerself Neville,

Glad you are in good shape otherwise so your healing energy can be concentrated where you need it most.

When that huge blood collection is gone they are sure to find a comparable sized brain whereas, as stated, my bleed was a tiny one but anyway praise be for small favors.


On 10/8/2015 6:04 PM, Neville wrote:

G'day Ron,

I had a few MRI's apparently, as other wires stuck all over my self, hurts danged to get them off the hair again <g>, and CT scans, but there was too blood in my brain for them to see where the bleed came from. But a bonus is that looks like my lungs, kidneys, bladder, heart and blah blah of other organs seem to be in pretty good shape. I am not old of course being only 65, but I am pretty good it looks like it. Another MRI in a couple of weeks, this may show my brain again, if it's still there <g>.

Google is a wonder of thing, it helps me writing and spelling and remembering words, with not all letters give all words unfortunately. I was normal once, now I am a numpty for a while now...LOL.

I think I said that I could have been a lot worse seemingly, but I definitely believe my daily silver regimen done good something over years. They gave me Epilepsy drug just in case I had any seizures, but I didn't have any seizures, so I binned one tablet a few days ago because they were doing my head in. Told the Doc later on and he said OK, but I must take that last one at night until I have my MRI, then I am going to bin that tablet regardless what another Doc says. But I think he will say OK anyway.

I feel I am in perfect shape I reckon, nothing at all physical, exempt my brain has gone for a little workabout for a while <g>. I had no idea at the time, other than my speech went funny, although I probably talk funny anyway some would say <g>, but pressure was over 200 to 230 apparently, and then a roller coast for several hours up and down, that is why they chucked me on the Royal Flying Doctor Service plane to fly me to the City hospital. There was nothing to indicate me anything was wrong, I was doing my lock picking hobby in the morning, but one of my daughters txt me on Fathers Day and just new something was not right, I would have just stayed home otherwise. It's funny how our body works? The human body is a fine tuned machine, and is not to be messed with I guess, hence I will *still* never stop my daily silver.

Glad to hear you are now OK Ron. This could happen with anyone, regardless.

Subject: Re: CS>Boring but never mind.
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
From: ron....@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 08:55:54 -0700

Hi Neville,
Of course CS had nothing to do with the hematoma .

In _May_ of this year I had a strange feeling in my left hand. I ignored it for a couple of days but when I noticed a slight loss in dexterity I went to the doc who decided to play it safe and get me an MRI of the brain. After the MRI they shuttled me right into emergency. Seems I had a brain bleed (subdural hematoma). It was very very small but I was admitted for CT scans and after a couple of days I was speaking to a counselor about getting out of there when in mid speech I suddenly became incoherent and I'm told that my left face drooped. Next thing I new I was back on the gurney with throwing up type convulsions that lasted for 5 minutes or so. Anyhow after 3 more days and a final CT scan they discharged me. I had no symptoms. 9 days later another CT scan showed the clot was almost gone and I am fine today. As I said it was a very small bleed.

What caused it? I am pretty certain that it was a morning I had dry heaves and was sticking my finger down my throat to feel better that put a lot of pressure up there.
I do not take CS on a regular basis so absolutely not a factor.

You seem to be doing pretty good as it is but I'm sure that as the brain heals you will be back to normal.

Best wishes,


On 10/7/2015 5:40 PM, Neville wrote: