
So sorry to hear you have suffered a stroke.  I hope you get well very
soon.  Silver would never have prevented a stroke, if it was caused by a
blockage, or weak veins,  rather than inflammation.

Silver kills pathogens, but it is not a nutrient, and therefore would
likely not have helped in your situation depending on the reason for your

Like you, I take my homemade silver daily, foot soaks weekly, and spray my
eyes daily too.  I make quite a bit for friends and family, especially the
youngsters.  I put their CS  in a hydrogen peroxide bottle, with a spray
nozzle, and they use it for their eyes, cuts, earaches, mouth wash, sore
throats, etc.  My brother sprays his dog's food with it too.  We will never
stop taking it, as it is rare any of us ever get sick.

Best of luck to you!


On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Neville <> wrote:

> Thank You all people.  Terry, I never believed it was so hard to write
> one simple word and to not understand how to spell it?  It is ridiculous to
> simple string a few words readable in a one line in a sentence?  I was
> normal once.
> OK, the reason I only told the List members here is because I have been in
> involved for your community a few years, and most know me by now that was
> nothing to do with any sympathy or whatever, I am not a sooky, I am a
> pragmatist, we live and we die, but there could be many people outside of
> this List may who still procrastinate about silver of the *home made
> product*, properly prepared correctly.  From my own belief and nothing else.
> Many people have strokes every day, none of those people have ever drank
> silver, many people get a flu or whatever, and again, nobody have ever
> drank silver, and that list can go on, even I fixed an infection on one of
> my wrist cannula (sp?) because it was left in my wrist for 5 days or
> something, but I fixed my self with silver without they could knowing.
> Most would not even know anything about silver.
> A person said perhaps I should not take my silver every day, but I asked
> him why? show me some proof silver did this?  He said perhaps my blood
> could have thinned to my brain from all my little measured silver I have
> drank every day, again, I asked him to show me some proof of my 13 years
> doing silver?  The thing is there is NO proof!
> The thing is, most people are paranoid about silver from all the hype and
> BS in all the medicals and propaganda media, there is nothing in truth of
> what happened to me, in any way to do with my silver, the fact is that no
> proof at all.
> OK, I don't want to waffle on or highjack this List, but for every one who
> hear of silver (maybe not from List people), take some time in thinking
> about it, do not go on the wrong track and believe every thing is spoken
> from the Establishment without do some research, beware of facts and not
> just because one said than someone else said, that includes my self.  The
> two things kids are never taught in school today.......THINK and QUESTION.
> Kids today are conformist and institutionalised. (my opinion).  This is the
> only List who have people who are intelligent of people.
> I still I could have been worse than it happened, apparently they said.  I
> could have died apparently, my two daughters thought they were never going
> to see me again when the Royal Flying Doctor Service plane picked me up at
> the airport to take me to a City hospital.  I'm too young and will still
> batter life about with a baseball bat <g>.  I am perfectly in every aspect,
> no paralysis, not blind, not disfigured, not able to talk, not able to walk
> again etc.  I still believe my little silver every morning saved my life,
> being only to simply talking and writing and spelling as a complete numpty
> or moron, but that is all. (my opinion about silver)
> OK, Sorry and Thanks All.  Bloody hard to write and spell though...LOL.
> Hope this hurry normal gets better dang it <g>.
> Disclaimer of course:  My opinions only blah blah.
> N.
> > Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 09:27:05 -0700
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CS>Boring but never mind.
> > CC:
> >
> > "Took me hours to write this...LOL."
> >
> > I'm glad you hung in there and did it.
> >
> > Terry
> >
> > ---- Neville <> wrote: