Hi Ron:

...and I just checked.  Info wars was not delisted.

Now, I've spent way too much of my own personal time on this.

I just ask that individuals do a bit more research from more sources before believing what someone says.

It amazes me how much people WANT to believe in the nefarious.

In my opinion, perhaps people should WANT to be absolutely meticulous in personally investigating what the truth is... or is not...WANT... to take the time if something matters enough for them that they repeat it to others.

On 2/24/2017 5:21 PM, Jason wrote:
Hi Ron:

Not intolerant at all!

I understand anyone getting upset when they lose their rankings, when
their income depends on Google serving them traffic.

There is some good content on Natural News.

We always have to be diligent about our freedom of speech issues, no doubt!

Old Timers will remember that I successfully defended a small colloidal
silver company that was attacked by BYU in the early 2000's, when they
tried to force companies to take down a real news article publication
documenting the antimicrobial effects of silver.

I'm sure it is STILL an embarrassment to BYU, because anyone searching
for the issue will still come across the truth of their attempted cover-up.

When the FDA took down Greg Caton's alt cancer website (the creator of
Cansema) as a part of their sting operation, I had a mirror up within
four hours.  I kept a mirrored copy of the website live while he was
powerless sitting in a jail cell, until his staff could recover.

At the same time, I also can't stand people being manipulated with

On 2/24/2017 5:00 PM, Ron wrote:
Very interesting Jason,

Yes the link does clear it and you don't sound so much like an
intolerant xxxxxxx!! <g>

He has another pub http://www.newstarget.com/
Article there about Google thing.

On 2/24/2017 4:32 PM, Jason wrote:
Hi Ron:

It's not a free speech issue.  It's a policy and guidelines issue (if
you read the news article I linked to, you would see).

Natural News was penalized for violating Google's published guidelines.

It has happened to me before on many occasions.  I didn't cry wolf, I
kept searching until I found out what I did to violate their policies,
and then correct my errors.  Once this is accomplished, I regained my
rankings (as long as they were actually deserved).

Believe me:  You have no idea unless you've worked in the business.  I
used to work for a company that had an SEO department (and I worked in
the dept.).

A company will do ANYTHING they can to try to get websites delisted,
penalized, or rankings reduced.

Google, so far, has been absolutely amazing at retaining integrity,
even when they mess up with their algorithm changes.

In the market I worked in (local Google market), companies would spend
collectively hundreds of thousands of dollars a month competing for

Black Hat SEO is even worse.

Sometimes, people TRY to make a non-issue an issue.  This just
demonstrates how unreliable Mike has become as far as ethically
representing what is actually true, and what is not.

I would never think of taking away anyone's right to speech... but
right to Google Rankings?  That's another story.  If you don't play by
the rules, you get penalized.

On 2/24/2017 4:19 PM, Ron wrote:
Yesterday free speech. Today censorship - tomorrow ????????????

On 2/24/2017 3:46 PM, Jason wrote:
Hi Bob:

I agree with you 100%.  Natural News has become nothing more than a
grocery store tabloid with a political motivation.

...just because Mike says something, doesn't mean that it is true.  In
fact, it's laughably ridiculous:


...Google gave Natural News its prominence (and they make a lot of
money with advertising), and for the time being, has taken it away.

On 2/24/2017 1:34 PM, bob Larson wrote:
the mix of real info & crapola in the Natural News is bad enough that
their demise is no loss at all in my opinion.  do they still exist as
before in other sesrch engines?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 24, 2017, at 12:46 PM, Sandee George <oha...@juno.com
<mailto:oha...@juno.com>> wrote:

Nenah thanks for this information, which is more of the same
to save face and create unrest for others.   It is everywhere, as we
are all en-captured in the fear of survival which is rife at this
on our very damaged planet - we simply have to turn our minds inside
of ourselves and trust on what we are told by our inner voices as
direction forward and the truth for us, we cannot allow the
perspectives of others to be our guide!!!!!     This is my answer to
those who trust in outside of themselves for the truth - remember we
are all connected we are all one, so we all are connected to the GOD
conscience with sees, and knows everything, not us individually
Let me
ask you one question WHAT IS TRUTH ?    This idea, I may add, is not
religion but spirituality !!!!!
Peace, love and hugs
An attitude of gratitude is everything!!!
san...@spiceisle.com <mailto:san...@spiceisle.com>
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