Mercury is not toxic, the oxides of mercury are.

Remember "Mercurochrome" ?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1998 classified *Mercurochrome* as
"not Generally Recognized as Safe" [which, like colloidal silver, doesn't
mean it's NOT safe] together with a multitude of other active compounds,
based on the absence of interest on the part of pharmaceutical companies in
funding new studies or updated supporting information, due to the high
costs of said studies in comparison to sales,* *rather than due to being
Opinion killed Mercurochrome, not science

The air contains mercury vapor from diesel exhaust and coal power
plants...vapor oxidizes readily.
Depending on where you are, some lakes are so full of mercury oxides and
other compounds that nothing will  grow in them.

 The amount of mercury housed in each bulb is very small, about 4 or 5
milligrams, which in volume is about the size of the period at the end of a
sentence. (By comparison, old-style mercury thermometers contain about 500
milligrams of mercury, an amount equal to the mercury found in 125 CFL
bulbs.) And, provided the bulbs aren’t broken open, none of that leaches
into the home.

  When power is supplied, the mercury turns into a UV light emitting plasma.
The UV light excites the phosphorus coating on the inside surface of the
tube and the the coating emits visible light frequencies, blocking the UV.
The sun is full spectrum, UV, IR, microwave and everything else..and much
more intense.
In comparison, I'd not worry about any sort of indoor artificial lighting.

The main problem with Fluorescent light is the perception of 'flicker' like
a strobe light...can be disturbing.


On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 4:44 PM, Nenah Sylver <>

> Jean wrote: Since mercury is in fluorescent light bulbs, it is said they
> leak this heavy metal.  Is this kind of indoor light (frequency), harmful
> to colloidal silver?
> =============================
> For me, Jean, the real question is, “Is this kind of indoor light harmful
> to US?”
> Mercury is one of the most toxic substances on the planet. What if the
> bulb breaks? Also, just the frequency of mercury is present with such
> bulbs, especially I imagine when they are turned on.
> Not good. I don’t use fluorescent light bulbs.
> (Can’t answer your question about the silver.)
> Nenah
> Nenah Sylver, PhD
> author, *The Rife Handbook*
> *of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health*
> now in all formats: hardcover, ebook for Mac, Kindle, iPad, Android
> *DVDs of 2016 Rife and Electromedicine Conference Available NOW*
> * <>*