Hi Neville,

I appreciate information from anyone and thank you for your input.

Your mention of yellowish made me think of something that happened several
years ago.  I put out a bowl of CS, in a white bowl, for my dog.  A few
minutes later, the crystal clear fluid had turned a dark yellow.  The only
thing I could figure out is, the CS was exposed to the sun, nothing else and
it was interesting to see.

Learning the hard way is not my style.  I know of a person (not me), who
tried to put a long fluorescent bulb into a trash can, and since it was too
long, they smashed the bulb to make it fit.  The following small explosion
scared the person so much, they feared for their eyes and lungs.


From:  Neville <one.red...@hotmail.com>
Reply-To:  <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date:  Sunday, January 14, 2018 at 9:41 PM
To:  "silver-list@eskimo.com" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Subject:  CS>Re: One more question please
Resent-From:  <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-Date:  Sun, 14 Jan 2018 19:41:40 -0800 (PST)

I know you prefer to hear from Ode, but I'm going to chip in regardless, and
no respect or rudeness either, just plain speak.

There is a myriad of 'stuff' which will/can kill us, or we succumb to
illness as we age, can't get away from that, we are born, live our lives,
and then we kark it, it's that simple.

I take my EIS in a plastic 'pump' drinking bottle in the car, and can sit on
the back seat of the car for hours while travelling in the heat of the
summer, going away and coming back home, nothing happens, if anything, it
might changed a little 'yellowish', and I said it 'might', but it is still
completely transparent liquid?

I make my stuff under 2 fluorescent lights in the kitchen, nothing happens
to my product.  I cook toast in the morning whilst production, and again,
nothing happens.  It seems to me many people get too scared about almost
anything/everything today, we can't get away from that.  Unless we live/have
a laboratory controlled environment, with suitable equipment, we just do
what we can, we are simply 'amateur' scientists for our own benefit.

People get too carried away with what 'can' kill us, due to the fact there
are millions of other ways 'stuff' in the atmosphere and what we consume
could kill us, or we can succumb to some medical condition for whatever
reason, it's called 'aging'.

The sand in my hour glass is rapidly accumulating more on the bottom than on
top, to that end I don't worry too much about the million ways the
Capitalist system is killing me.  I do what I can and to hell with anything
else.  You know the old saying..."we are here for a good time, not a long
time" <g>.
