How/where did you apply the zapper?  How long, etc?

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 10:40 AM, Shirley Reed <>

>   Silver seems to be good for nearly everything.  But a Don Croft zapper
> has taken down the osteoarthritis in my hands for  20 years now.  No pain,
> no disfigurement of the hands and fingers, no heat or redness for 20
> years.  No meds either.  And 9 volt batteries last for 60 or  70 hours or
> so and are 2 for a dollar at the dollar store.  Don't know about fibro but
> suspect it will do the same for it.  My son's acne was gone in 3 days.
> Extreme fatigue on my part took a couple of weeks to greatly resolve and
> longer to be completely gone.