Can you please share the website for the zapper -- and identify which one, as 
requested above?  Thanks.MA 

    On Thursday, July 5, 2018 11:12 AM, david moskovits 
<> wrote:

  #yiv5269616916 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}Do you think this would help 
with MS? how long and where do you apply? thanks From: Shirley Reed 
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 3:40 PM
Subject: CS>osteoarthritis    Silver seems to be good for nearly everything.  
But a Don Croft zapper has taken down the osteoarthritis in my hands for  20 
years now.  No pain, no disfigurement of the hands and fingers, no heat or 
redness for 20 years.  No meds either.  And 9 volt batteries last for 60 or  70 
hours or so and are 2 for a dollar at the dollar store.  Don't know about fibro 
but suspect it will do the same for it.  My son's acne was gone in 3 days.  
Extreme fatigue on my part took a couple of weeks to greatly resolve and longer 
to be completely gone.