Whenever I wake with a cramp (about once a month, usually my foot or big toe), 
I limp into my kitchen and fix myself a glass  of  a product called calm. 2 
teaspoons contains 325 mg of magnesium and it gets rid of the cramp within 5 
minutes. I really rely on this product .

Best regards,
David Bearrow
On Saturday, November 9, 2019, Nenah Sylver <nenah12egro...@cox.net> wrote:

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Christel wrote: With all the knowledge on this list. Can someone tell me what 
causes these excruciating cramps I get in my lower legs every night? I do not 
know what causes them nor what to take to eliminate them Any suggestions would 
be appreciated even if it is not silver related



Most people are deficient in magnesium, which can lead to muscle cramps. Take a 
mixed magnesium complex supplement orally. Before bedtime, it will help you 
sleep. Magnesium "oil" can be rubbed into the sore areas topically.


Nenah Sylver, PhD


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