Well, like I said, my approach was unscientific.  I winged it. After reading the various papers, it seemed that the procedure was as simple as adding the herb which I believe could be plain water extract, i.e. tea.   I happened to have witch hazel made with only water and alcohol.  Make damn sure it isnt methanol or isopropyl or some mixture of toxic noxious stuff. Make sure its suitable for oral consumption!   Im not recommending anything here, just mentioning what I did which seemed to produce a stable product, which I then used without bad effects.   I urge further and in- depth research.  Im not an expert or guide on this.  I just read some papers and had a go of it.

What follows is philosophy, read or dont waste your time;

I think the safest bet would be to brew your own herb.  You can see in the literature a wide variety has been used.  Consider perhaps regular green tea,  or curcumin, rosemary, or any herb that seems to fit the condition you are trying to treat.  In one of the papers they noted the resulting product was quite dark in color.   A good approach might be to try three or four strengths or ratios of tea to colloidal silver.  Let these sit for a while and you might get a feel for how strong you can make the mix.  It may not be very critical, as long as there is enough herbal material to coat the silver.  The ionic portion will be compounded into nanoparticles.  The silver particles will be 'capped' as they say.    I know there is a general belief here that the ions are working great, and the colloids are working great, but the size and the charge and the coatings will all make a biological difference, perhaps in many ways that have yet to be realized.

Im particularly interested in the radical peroxynitrite.  Free radicals have both positive and negative effects.  We have no choice but to live with them, and we need them.  But peroxynitrite is implicated in a lot of deleterious conditions and something we can reduce, it appears.   Herbs have been tested and rosemary and witch hazel are among the most potent scavengers.  You can read up and find peroxnitrite has a role in the pathology of so many chronic and acute diseases, including covid.  So this is one reason I went with witch hazel.

Perhaps an entire silver-herbology will open up.   Nano particles are a delivery system.  The body shuttles things around in amazing ways.  Its an intelligent universe in there.  I have seen amazing things with arnica, such that Im inclined to think the 'living world' of plant medicinals is more than the sum of chemical reactions.  In the sense perhaps that a Van Gogh is more to our being than the same paints rearranged or extracted out and put back into tubes.  In this view of 'information theory' or 'energy field medicine',  the silver and herb combinations may have synergy that would bring more healing than our usual concept of silver as an antibiotic.  Antibiotic is kind of an antiquated idea in all but acute infections, and the holism of being a teeming bucket of microbes is the better paradigm. Usually we need more microbial diversity, not less.    Just a thought.  It reminds me certain herbal concoctions in India are traditionally prepared in copper pots.  Copper, silver, iron or wood  utensils and containers confer different flavors which can be the difference between a cheap or rare and expensive wine, perfume or something.

When moving toward health and those healthy paradigms, I think its good to go for the exquisite.   Rather than silver being a handy flame thrower scorching the bad bugs out of existence, it would be better to 'tune in'  and have the medicinal experience be inclusive of all the senses and states of mind and body....an idea not foreign to anybody here Im sure.  For example, silver water has a taste, kind of metallic or dusty.  If one were to add peppermint, or green tea, the experience would be totally different, starting with nose and mouth.  An important consideration when making a nasal spray, skin spray or mouthwash....



On 5/12/2021 7:10 PM, JD wrote:
Hi Max,

OK, I guess I'm confused.  what is aquious/alcohol extract?  When do you
add witch hazel?   I live in USA, witch hazel here is a little bottle
that looks like a bottle of rubbing alcohol
Is this what you are referring to?  If so, do you just add 5 tablespoons
of this to a quart?



On 5/11/2021 1:21 PM, Max wrote:

How I complexed silver with witch hazel.  Not very scientifically! I
chose witch hazel because it has one of the highest scores at reducing
peroxynitrite, one of the worst free radicals.  I arbitrarily added
about five tablespoons of aquious/alcohol extract to a quart of my
home brewed colloidal/ionic  silver.  I let this sit for six months
and observed that it seemed stable and nothing fell out of
suspension.  There was a slight haze.   I dont know if complexing
silver with herb extract will make it better or less toxic, but the
literature seems to point in that direction.

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