Hi everyone.
Would anyone know if CS has any blood thinning qualities?  My 80 year old
mother takes 1teaspoon a couple times a week as well as sprays it in her
eyes on occasion when exposed to sick kids. Yesterday , she developed a
blood clot(bright red) on the white part of her eye that is sticking out
over a fourth of an inch. Opthomalogist  says it  is not serious and
eventually it will go away. He did ask her if she is taking aspirin.(no)She
is also taking COQ10(100mg a day) garlic(only one a day), strong
multiple,cal/mag, vitamin C, SAme,
Echinacia with goldenseal on occasion, bilberry and lutein which has haulted
macular degeneration.
Does anyone know of a good source on the net or book that can help us decide
which of these life prolonging supplements she can or cannot continue and
learn about combinations. She takes Advil on occasion.   My concern is that
if she can develop one blood clot in her eye , she may have the possibility
of developing clots in other areas.
She says that she had not sprayed CS in at least 3 weeks and says she never
rubs her eyes with it in EVEN when it burns.
She also takes relaxation sleeping herbs every night.
Incidently,  many people think that she is in her late 60s.  She quit all
supplements as of yesterday because of fear after 10+ years.
Thank you for our comments.

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