Or how about:  Please be pacific in your answer.  (for specific)

Marsha Hallett wrote:
> > Oh dear, Marsha, you have struck a deadly blow to my heart. I have been
> > involved in Planned Preventative Maintenance for most of my adult life.
> > And recently the emphasis is on preventative medicine. Preventive is not
> > in my little Oxford dictionary but preventative is. The Atlantic makes
> > the difference. :}
> > > I wish you much peace and joy in your new journey.
> > Love,
> > Tony
> Dear Tony, Thanks for the good wishes! Equally good ones be upon your head!
> And sorry about the deadly blow; use CS so it won`t be! :o)
>  I always hated the double in "preventative" because we prevent, we don`t
> preventate, which is what the double implies! You have to go to the root
> word.
> Then I hate the way some folks say avery for aviary, and those Aussies, God
> love `em, they can`t say a proper vowel sound to save `em!
> Dynt for don`t, for example. Hmmm, perhaps it is because many of the orginal
> settlers were prisoners, who generally weren`t of the Upper Crust?
>  Then there are the folks in Massachusetts! They say pak the cah in Havad
> yad, as it is totally against their religion to pronounce the letter R!
> And one more, I don`t like no double negatives!!!
> NO ONE can speak as well or as correctly as we Idaho Spuds!
> Nuff said...
> Ouch, hey, this is all in fun, folks!! You-all don`t gotta mash me!
> Love,
> Marsha
> Oooh, almost forgot, the worst one of all is "I axed him" for I asked him",
> boy that one makes me wanna cry...
> --
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