Our family has had astounding success with it.


Kathryn Neff wrote:

> I would like to know about using CS with a nebulizer.   My husband has
> congestive heart failure and lung problems and uses a nebulizer with
> medication from his doctor.....He would not be interested in using CS in the
> nebulizer, but I am interested in the possibilities....Has anyone here used
> it with CS, and if so, what have you experienced.  I would expect that it
> would help with lung infections, but was also wondering if CS would enter
> the bloodstream via the lungs and be of benefit to the body.  I would be
> interested in any personal experiences regarding CS and the Nebulizer.
> If there has already been a lengthy discussion on this subject and it is not
> desirable to repeat it, is there an archive of the messages for this list
> group so that I might read on this matter.
> Thank You,
> Kathy Neff
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