The problem with eating glutathione is that it is broken down in the
intestine and absorbed like any other protein. What little does make it into
the bloodstream absolutely does not get past the cell walls to make GSH in
the cells where you want it. GSH should be present within the cells to
recycle antioxidants C, E, pycnogenol, ALA and the oxidant peroxide. Also to
recycle NADPH for energy.

Eating NAC works but it's really only useful in emergency situations.  Be
aware that there is a paragraph of side effects even at low doses, and it
has a half-life of only two hours. Take NAC every four hours.

Again, glutathione must be created within each cell. Supplemental GSH does
not get into the cells. Save your money for something that works.

What you need is an undenatured whey isolate like Immunocal. If another
undenatured isolate is chosen, if it works, you'll need to approxiamtely
double the dose because a couple of proteins in it don't make much or any
glutathione. If you were to use a concentrate you'd have to at least triple
or quad the dose to achieve the same effect. And that's IF the made from
unpasteurized milk, and was handled to preserve all available proteins.
That's a big If.

Remember that Immunotec sells waste undenatured protein to other companies
that can correctly say they have undenatured whey protein, although what
they have bought is stripped of its glutathione precursors.


| >  L-Glutathione and N-Acetyl Cysteine can be bought at what I'll bet is
| > as good a price as you'll find during the 3 for 1 sale going on now,

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