Here's the engineer/mechanic solution to the problem!! The glass is too big
and needs to be re-designed. Cut it at the water line, discard the top
portion, and enjoy the glass of water (or whatever)! Reality, R. I. P., and
let's get back on topic. Regards, Al...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ode Coyote" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Reality lives !!

> How about
>  Everything is how you experience it..including time.
> and anything experienced to it's fullest becomes the nothing it is.
>  There is no proof that anything at all exists. The experience of
> reality is an image formed from infomation supplied by the senses and
> arranged by running a program through the image of a processor. But the
> senses don't prove that there's anything 'out there' to sense or even that
> there IS an 'out there'.
>  Reality, then, well may be a self validating feedback loop of
> fantasy...and it has holes... things that sometimes don't add up...don't
> fit the program. [ in the walls of deniability we
> construct to back up what we believe is true by hiding every thing else
> from ourselves.]
> The only thing that can be proven is the experience, by the experience.
> that proves nothing about the qualities of what's IN the experience.
>  We really have little idea about what, when and where we are. [or, the
> idea is ALL we have]  All "this" could well be a simple matter of
> fooling ourselves into a grand adventure.
> I for one, know how easy it is to fool myself. That certainly doesn't mean
> I won't. [As recently illustrated]
>  I am the easiest person for me to lie to in the entire omniverse of my
> perceptions. Believing is seeing.
> Do YOU really exist?  Or are both you and I a frigment of my
>  The only thing I know about you, or me, is what I experience...and not
> what you experience. Will my experience of you match yours of you? [Just
> enough for deniability]
>  Perhaps, then, you created your version of me in your mind for you to
> experience. [Wherever or whatever THAT might be..if there even ARE wheres
> and whats at any "given" time when time itself is so subjective of an
> experience]
> Time.  We slice it into objective segments of duration by imposing clock
> it. Does that mean it's sliced or does it just look that way to the one
> wielding the knife? [Time's fun when you're having flies]
> Infinite order includes infinite chaos. They are the same. The only
> experential difference is in how much order can be experienced within the
> limitations of the program and  hardware? that processes it.
>  A virtual computer in a virtual reality running a program 'made up' of
> limitations of ideas with senses designed to validate the limitations?
>  Reality. The closer you look at it, the more it dissappears.
>  The brain is in the mind. It doesn't think, it selectively filters and
> processes thought. It denies a lot more than it admits. If it admitted
> everything, it would have to deny its own existance.
>  The eyes are designed to 'not' see a lot more than they do. They focus on
> so little and we call that clear sight. [when, in fact, it's not the eyes
> that do the seeing at all...the brain does... and the vision is but a
> pattern that brain made up using information from the eyes as a basis for
> the idea of what things should look like according to what it learned of
> the general conceptual program of what things look like as learned as a
> baby.  That is, a babies eyes focus just fine, it's identification of
> patterns what are gradually learned...meanings imposed on the program.]
>    Anything missing from the expected learned pattern gets seemlessly
> filled in. Are you ever aware of the great big blind spot right in the
> middle of everything you look at? NO  But you can prove it's there by
> upsetting expectation.
>  If someone who has been blind all his life suddenly gains sight, he
> identify what he sees until he touches it so he can compare the vision to
> the patterns of meaning he learned. He cannot even tell the difference
> between a ball and a cube until he touches it. [television could be a real
> problem]
>  What if you grew up in a different culture that has different ideas about
> what things mean?
>  Can you even see something that has no learned meaning?  UFO experiencers
> would indicate not.
>  If a UFO landed right in front of ten people, only two would see it.
> Another two might find it if they bumped into it. Four would walk
> unconciously around it or stay frozen in place and neither see or bump
> it and the remaining two would have nightmares.  And those that
> anything at all won't agree on what that experience was unless they had
> very similar belief systems like family members or close friends or had
> communicated during the experience and reached an agreement then.
>  The specialist learns more and more about less and less till he knows
> everything about nothing.
>  The generalist learns less and less about more and more till he knows
> nothing about everything.
> Ken
> >
> >"Every thing is either A or nonA at any given time".>Jack [depends on the
> persons aquired patterns of opinion and how hard they defend them at any
> given time. Sometimes reality gets blown out of it's own water. Then
> everything changes or gets denied. Ever had a car run 'through' you and
> leave a scratch?
>  I and two friends got beaten by a gang of thugs with tire irons once and
> suffered no damage or pain at all. It was like feathers and ghosts.  But
> was so unbelievable that none of us ever even discussed it. Afterwards, we
> just stood there looking at each other with stupid quizzical expressions
> our faces and went home in a daze. The 4rth person, a woman, who never
> a blow, was freaking out and we couldn't comprehend why.]
>  Transmutation of elements in living bodies?  Sure, why not?   This
> is WEIRD! ..not nearly as real as is believed.
> Ken
> >
> >
> >
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