Life Science
by Scott Stoltenberg

 Before we go any further, let's address the all-important tinnitus
pronunciation dispute. Which syllable should be stressed? Is it the first
(TINN -na-tus), or is it the second (tin-NY-tus)? I prefer the first, my
sister, a professional speech therapist, prefers the second. The Oxford
English Dictionary (online) gives (t na t s) for the pronunciation. Which,
although, I can't understand the symbols they use, seems to support my
pronunciation. However, the National Institute on Deafness and other
Communication Disorders (NIDCD) prefers my sister's pronunciation.

Perhaps the sound of your own tinnitus influences your pronunciation. I hear
a low-level sound of a white-noise hissing. It is always there in the
background. Most of the time I don't notice it, but when the room is really
quiet, or when I wear earplugs, I can hear it distinctly. My sister tells me
that her tinnitus sounds like ringing. All you white-noise hearers should
say TINN-na-tus, and you ringing hearers should say tin-NY-tus. Problem

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mamapug" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: CS>tinnitus

> CS never did anything for my tinnitus either; I`ve been taking it for 7
> years, and had the tinnitus about a year and a half, ever since my Pug
> yapped loudly in my ears!
> At least it doesn`t hurt.
> Marshalee
> PS, Tinnitus is pronounced Tin-it-us, not tin-Eye-tus. Comes from Poe`s
> "The Bells", from a word he made up, "tintinabulation".
> Good one, IMHO!
> > As a Looooooong time possessor of tinnitus and a user of all of the
> > remedies you suggested at the same time ------ not one iota of change,
> > mine is, on occasion, loud enough to block my ability to hear certain
> > frequencies above all of the noise. I find it hard to think that silver
> > would be of any use but, what say you listers,  -  does anyone think the
> > cause is an infection?
> >
> > Jack
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