Tin-eye-tus is the second pronunciation in the dictionary and I'm ok
with it since it's what I've called it for ages now. I just went with
that one simply because it's a lot like arthritis in pronouncing it.

I have the stuff too, whatever way you want to pronounce it. There are
times when it is simply awful and then there are other pitches or
degrees of loudness. I hadn't thought of what I ate as affecting it but
you may have something here. Thanks. I read somewhere on the internet
that cayenne powder would help or perhaps it was the cayenne tincture
but I don't believe I've stuck with it long enough to truly find out.


Wayne Fugitt wrote:
> Evening Charles,
>  >> pronunciation dispute. Which syllable should be stressed? Is it the first
> >(TINN -na-tus), or is it the second (tin-NY-tus)? I prefer the first, my
> >sister, a professional speech therapist, prefers the second.
>     I have the stuff too, no matter what you call it.
>     Could this have any condition with the blood brain barrier?   I tend to
> get engrossed in various activities and go too long without eating.  Due to
> the fact that I drink a lot of water, the hunger pains are few and far 
> between.
>    A few hours after I should have eaten, the noise becomes much louder.  I
> would guess 4 to 10 times louder.
>    I can eat or take some powdered vitamins, ( Emergen-C ) and the noise
> goes back to the normal level.
>    I know lots of complex chemistry is involved, but regardless,  I have a
> built in energy level indicator.
>    Anyone else have one of these?
>    Wayne
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