Will presuppositions allow unbiased examination of the evidence?
What would qualify as extraordinary evidence?
What criteria is used to determine extraordinary evidence?
Are criteria for extraordinary evidence reasonable?

All known methods of analytical study must be performed, and compared to
existing data.  I believe these analytical studies would show that Mike M.
is wrong on several points, but maybe not the ones that matter:  the
ogliodynamic properties of the silver, the particle dispersion, and the
efficacy against pathogens...

Bob is right -- there are alot of anomalies that can occur with the
production of CS.  There are even some that defy "common" sense and even
engineering theory -- and some that are even classified by DOD for national
security reasons.   There really is more to electricity than electrons.

In the pursuit of knowledge, one applies every known test, every possible
idea.  Doing so may at times not be feasible or practical.  However, in my
book, WANTING to do less is unexcuseable, and is the result of 1. laziness,
2. fear, or 3. uncaring.

I'm often amazed at how widespread wanting to say more and wanting to know
less - is.

Best Regards,


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