If you want to really knock their socks off, talk about the FDA corruption, and
how the wolf is guarding the henhouse. That the FDA causes much more harm than
good by intentionally suppressing protocols that work reliably and safely for
those that that either do not work as well, cause other problems that require
seeing a doctor, and/or cost hundreds or thousands as times as much.  Basically
the FDA is in the pharm's companies pocket and does their bidding.

Aspertame is just one example. See http://www.dorway.com for a very good
starting place on this.  Of course CS and other protocols such as zapping,
ozonated water and magnetic pulsing being suppressed are also a part of this.
They even have outlawed selling of L-tryptophane because this natural amino acid
works so well in place of sleeping pill naturally it was hurting sleeping pill
sales (they used one company's bungling making the product to do this instead of
simply closing the company down or making their products illegal).


Diane Bernard wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I need your help. I am a 45-year-old, third year college student. This
> semester I have to give two speeches, one on something health related (for
> first aid class) and the other on any topic of my choice (for public
> speaking class). I would like to do both on alternative medicine. During my
> lifetime I have read a countless number of books related to this subject and
> I still learn something new and amazing on the web every day (especially
> form this list). I am asking if any of you have a suggestion for me in
> choosing what is the most pertinent thing to say in the 5 minutes that I
> have allotted to me. My gut instinct is to talk about the past and current
> persecutions of people like Dr. Clark and the altcancer website and how this
> affects everyone (freedom of choice). It has been said recently that
> spreading the word about alternative medicine is a great way to help this
> cause so that the number of supporters will grow. Or, should I talk about
> individual therapies? My audience will consist of mostly 18 to 20 year olds.
> I think people of this age will be very receptive, if I say the right thing.
> Some of the people on this list not only have a great passion about this
> subject, but also have a great way with words. If you have any suggestions I
> would be forever grateful. I also need visual aids. Any ideas?
> Thank so much,
> Diane
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