
For the CS-related remark:
> Colloidal Silver can be produced for pennies per ounce, what
> would make the silver already produced worth that much
As I mentioned in my post, I already knew that CS can be made
reasonably cheap by myself. Except for the fact that with my simple
setup I can only "guess" how much ppm I'm making and even if I
buy a controlled system (as I am thinking about buying the "silver
puppy") I still face the problem of having no way of checking the
used destilled water and the silverelectrodes for purity.

As I am following this silver-list for a couple of weeks now, I wanted
to add some - maybe useful info (and I still think it is useful) - to the
community instead of only asking help.
It can be useful, not just for buying tips, but maybe for testing your
own CS batches or some other useful info from the site. As I am
researching CS, each week I find some new source of information
that just doesn't show up directly when searching Google for "Colloidal

And for your insulting remarks:
> communist nation
I hope you didn't mean Belgium with it. Please check your own first.

> Euros, a funny money currency worth more than US Fiat currency?
There are other currencies on this world, you know. And also other
languages, ways to do things, ... Surprise!

> That is something deserving of a little thought
I hope you were talking about the CS and its prices again here...

I could have (and was very tempted) to go into the offence here, but I do
believe that there are wise and kind people at your part of the world that
did not deserve such offences. I've been replied by them the past few
weeks, so I am sure about that.

"Be nice" is what's important here.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cliff Hume" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: CS>A comparison website

Collopidal Silver can be produced for pennies per ounce, what would make the
silver produced in that communist nation worth thirty-five Euros, a funny
money currency worth more than US Fiat currency? That is something deserving
of a little thought.

At 11:29 AM 11/25/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear CS-community,
>I don't know if the following website is known to any of you, but I just
found it
>while searching to buy pre-made CS:
>I don't know how trustworthy all the information is at this website, I also
did not
>yet check it out entirely, but look at:
>You can even get a comparison chart, for what it's worth.
>I found the website when I searched to buy "Sovereign Silver". But it
>costs 35 EUROS or DOLLARS for 120ml of 10ppm.
>Any remarks?
>PS: I know making CS yourself should be easy and cost less, but as I
>before to this list, I already have tried 2 different batches with silver
from 2 different
>sources and I got 2 times a reaction that nobody really has an answer
>I tried one commercial product before and I did not have any bad reaction,
but also
>not really a good result either. Maybe they sold me plain water ;=(.
Anyway, I've
>became a little afraid of my selfmade batches...
>Kind regards,

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