Hi Filip,

I thought you'd have been swamped with replies from more knowledgable
contributors than I; however, let me share that I use ONLY two 1 oz. silver
ingots .999 stamped on the ingot (they are Christmas Ornaments and came from
a coin shop--cost about $7.50 each and are VERY satisfactory and at my 80
years age will last me for many, many years. If you need a source, I'll
e-mail his address to you and I'm sure he'd send your order.

For manufacturing, I use ONLY the 2 pure (.999 silver cathode & anode); pure
Walgreen's steam-distilled water--Sodium-free, micro-filtered, Ozonated) and
a Radio Shack 13.5/30 v (1000mA) AC Adapter Cat. # 273-1668; Running on the
30v for about 2-3 hours to make 1/2 gallon; using an aquarium stone bubbler
for stirring and the CS comes out clear with a nice Tyndall; my lab is in
our air conditioned home basement with a UV light in the duct + an Air
Filter like Hospitals; we have NO pets, allow NO smokers so we have NO air
pollution. I used several smaller, less expensive wall-warts, but they each
soon burned out--so I graduated to this heavier duty (about $30) and could
not be happier with my product or the production process at any higher
price. Should I run it too long, I dilute it with the Walgreen's water (see
above) to make a gallon or more depending on the Tyndall.

I have given much CS away, but discovered that about 90% of the recipients
would carry it away, but NOT try it, but said, "I'll check with my doctor" &
never used CS! Now I give them a 3 page list of uses, and a list of CS
websites to check out and refer their doctor to if they desire + I charge
them $10 /pt--if they live nearby and bring a clean qt jar it's the same
$10; $15 / 1-2 gal and $20 /gal. I discovered that when they put their money
(invest) in CS, they will use it and marvel at the marvelous results they &
their pets receive from CS usage.

If I can help in any way, let me know. Check out my site: www.rharrisinc.com
if get request for password, click Cancel once or twice.
Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist

[Richard Harris]  -----Original Message-----
From: filip.hoe...@pandora.be [mailto:filip.hoe...@pandora.be]
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 5:30 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>A comparison website

  Dear CS-community,

  I don't know if the following website is known to any of you, but I just
found it
  while searching to buy pre-made CS:
  I don't know how trustworthy all the information is at this website, I
also did not
  yet check it out entirely, but look at:
  You can even get a comparison chart, for what it's worth.

  I found the website when I searched to buy "Sovereign Silver". But it
  costs 35 EUROS or DOLLARS for 120ml of 10ppm.

  Any remarks?

  PS: I know making CS yourself should be easy and cost less, but as I
  before to this list, I already have tried 2 different batches with silver
from 2 different
  sources and I got 2 times a reaction that nobody really has an answer

  I tried one commercial product before and I did not have any bad reaction,
but also
  not really a good result either. Maybe they sold me plain water ;=(.
Anyway, I've
  became a little afraid of my selfmade batches...

  Kind regards,