Hi Matthew:

Your picking up some nice gems through the old literature, no doubt!

The term Oligodyamic was the result of an observation, and not a theory.
Therefore, all subsequent work, at least that which is available, are
attempts to qualify and quantify the phenomenon, and conclusions from
observational data.

The two most significant contributory factors of the ogliodynamic properties
of silver are particle sizing and surface area.  Therefore, the ogliodynamic
properties of MSP, in any strength, are far less than a quality isolated
silver product, PPM to PPM, or even a silver oxide that releases silver ions
via chemical reaction.

I believe that chemistry is way off of the mark in attempting to understand
the ogliodynamic properties of silver.  To even begin to understand this
realm, we have to divert to new physics, in particular, quantum physics, and
even more particular, non-herzian energy, or standing waves.

To give you an example, please reference the works of Dr. Savely Yurkovsky.
I had the pleasure of corresponding briefly with Dr. Yurkovsky briefly
before the release of his newest book.  You'll have to keep an open mind
here, as the Western World is far behind the ex-Soviets in medical research
in these areas.

To quote Dr. Yurkovsy ( taken from a pre-publish summation of Biological,
Chemical, and Nuclear Warfare ):

"What is not so well known is that placing these colloidal silver particles
in a nearby gas discharge tube, and focusing the electromagnetic emissions
from such an operating tube onto the beaker, will also kill the bacteria.
Thus, physical contact between the bacteria and the silver is not a
necessary condition for killing the bacteria.  Further, if one looks at the
optical spectrum of silver and then combines the magnitudes of the optical
output for several light sources of different frequencies so as to closely
simulate the silver spectrum, such a beam of electromagnetic radiation will
also kill these bacteria.  Via this simple example we see that it is the
specific information pattern inherent in the silver atom and not the
physical contact that is killing the bacteria.  And our general present-day
experience with transforming one computer language to another shows us that
the same basic information pattern (the same meaning) can exist in many
different formats.  Thus, to understand the homeopathic/allopathic medicine
duality, we must focus our attention on the various possible information
pattern formats that nature utilizes to express itself."

http://www.scienceofmedicinepublishing.com/medical-articles.html - for some
more articles.

The theories involved are not too far apart from those utilized by the Light
Beam Generator, which has received FDA approval as a lymphatic detoxifyier.

I am preparing a series of experiments that likely will not be acceptable to
the scientific community, but will probably be interesting to everyone else,
based on the works of Tesla and wave form technology.  It won't be for
awhile yet, as the equipment I have to purchase is a bit pricey.... For
those of us without budgets!  Total equipment cost, including lasers, is
about 7k.

The point of the experimentation will be study the energetic effects of
various silver products.  Having established a baseline, to then try and
coordinate these findings with standard and scientifically acceptable means
of measurement ( AAS and TEM ).  Having established this, the next step
would be to see if the properties of the silver products can be
changed/manipuated and documented using electromagnetic photography.

However, correlating these things with actual in-body effects would be
nearly impossible without a lot of money!

Best Regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: Matthew McCann PE
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 6:24 AM
Subject: CS>oligodynamism

Hi, Members of the List.

The "CS website" that disparages
low-level PPMs and extolls high-level
PPMs with mild protein stabilization
overlooks one of the earliest discoveries
about the nature of CS: oligodynamism.

Nageli is credited with discovering this
remarkable property of CS in the 1890s,
though other substances were known
to have it.

One possible explanation for this "less
is beautiful" phenomenon is that silver
particulates exert an inhibitory effect on
each other. So they need enough space
to be active and/or stable.Does anybody
know of any chemical theory or other
further explanation of oligodynamism?

Best wishes,


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