I would guess that Bt would work on any leaf eater then.The problem is the inaccessability of something maturing under the bark.I used Bt on orangedogs on citrus(black swallowtail butterfly) until I realized they were doing me no harm and were oportunistic rather than an infestation.I suppose Bt might be injected into the tree.I have seen people hang little cloth bags of 'moth balls or crystals ' that would ward off the beetle-moms.Bt is pretty cool as long as you are careful not to overspray something that butterflys might like.Moths on the other hand generally are none to picky about their eats or they reproduce in far larger populations. I had a 35 foot grapefruit tree and I don't think I saw over5 orangedogs at one time.I'm sure this is realative to species though.A lot of butterflies raise their young on poisonous plants so they will be unpalatable to birds.Orangedogs use mimicry and look like sun burned bird-turds which put the birds off.Ain't nature grand?!

Milkyspore disease can be used on a lawn to take care of lawn grubs and if you use it two years in a row you will have made your lawn a grave for Japanese beetles in the ground stage.There is also a disease spore that works on grasshoppers if applied early enough.There was a disease being researched at U of Florida that works on fire ants.


Holland Simms wrote:

BT works on caterpillars(moth and butterflies) and BT israelinsis works
on mosquito larvae.The borers are beetles and the damage is done by the
beetle larvae chewing around in the cambium layer of the tree destroying
the actual growing layer.

BT also works quite well on Japanese Beetles.


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