Summer is around the corner.  The bugs will be out in force soon.  I'll
be out camping this weekend and although it's a bit cool right now I
expect there will be some hardy mosquitos and ticks looking for

I just went out and bought a piezoelectric igniter for a gas grill. 
Cost about $15.  It looks like those little zappers for arthritis pain
that were being sold here a while ago, or like a short fat syringe
without a needle.  One electrical contact is on the end of the igniter,
the other is farther up the barrel.  I connected the barrel contact with
a wire to a washer that I installed at the end of the barrel (insulated
from the center contact).  So I now have the washer as one contact and
the other is protruding through the center of the hole in the washer. 
If I press the end against my skin, there is about 1/4 inch of space
between the contact points.    I plan to use this on any tick or
mosquito bites I get...

Doesn't feel bad at all, since the contacts are so close together. 
When they were farther apart it didn't hurt but the stimulation felt
very disconcerting, somehow.

Re: CS>Spider Bite Zapper?

     From: Peter Rebaudo wrote:
     Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 22:26:33 


A barbecue piezorlectric igniter produces 25,000 volts.

Anybody can has any suggestions how to measure the current?


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