Re: CS>Malaria questions
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Christine Carleton 
  Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 6:34 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Malaria questions

  The CS machine is great in a first world country.
  However in a third world country one must consider such thing as
  1. electricity challenges - frequency of service
  i don't know about trem's machines, but the silverpuppy will work on almost 
any incoming voltage...

  the worries below might also cover expensive and scarce antibiotics:

  2. the instrument is not 'detained' at customs
  3. the machine is not 'broken'
  4. the machine does not 'disappear'
  5. superstition
  6. spoils of war...
  7. other political interests

             From: Lagoon <> writes:

    ...  i would have them take a machine to make CS with them....

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Heather King (LCA) <>  
      Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:22 PM
      Subject: CS>

      Hi All, 

      Digging into the depths of your collective experience, will CS do 
anything at all in either the prevention of or the healing of malaria? 

      My parents are heading to Africa for a 1-year mission through their 
church and in my Mom's words are "going to be taking antibiotics every day to 
prevent malaria". I inherently mistrust blanket statements like that, but after 
lurking for years on this list I know that those particular blanket statements 
are begging to be examined...any light to be shed? Are there good reasons why 
my Mom's doctor would be prescribing antibiotics for daily use for malaria 
prevention? Should I question her further about this?  

      Thanks in advance... 


    Heather King 
    8/2230  425.706.2986 
    Microsoft Information Resources 