
In Chinese medicine EYES are related to LIVER, ANGER, soul growth and
expression, and when there is a toxic build-up there can be a lot of
SHOUTING in the personality - either loud outwardly or internal noise/self
abuse.  Some of the anger is loaded into us when we are very young by
parents, teachers, caregivers etc.,  who 'shouted', and the anger still is
locked in our cellular memory.  I spoke with a 4 year old last weekend whose
mother, father, and grandmother are 'shouters and controllers'.  The wee
girl had already decided that when she was a mommy, she would shout at her
children.  As her face skewed, it was like watching her articulate her
proposed 'retaliation' against the 'abuse' she was experiencing in her
'million dollar' family.  There are no social boundaries on these skewed
energies.  Then we wonder what happened to the 'kids'.  Dah!  Sometimes 'we
are crazy'.  Mainly, we are not observant.

I would do some of the intestinal and later liver cleanses already mentioned
on this line. The sympathetic Yang organ Gall Bladder could also use a
cleanse cos it would be strained handling all the Liver's (Yin) overflowing
anger.  Also reflexology massage on the feet, especially the two toes next
to the big toe (connected to the eyes) to stimulate the eyes.  The liver
organ will be indicated on any reflexology chart.  The end of the liver
meridian is on the inside of the big toe.  Rub it too.

The skin is our largest organ and can act like a trans-dermal patch with
rapid uptake.  It takes 20-21 minutes from contact to having the heart pump
circulate a 'additive' (especially those of minuscule molecular size)
throughout the bloodstream of the body. 'Toxic liver folks - controllers'
often need proof.  Try this. Peel a clove of garlic and squish it open.
Don't let them touch the garlic.  Put in under their bare big toe.  Put a
clock in their hands.  Ask them to tell you when they TASTE garlic in their
mouth.  It will be well under 20 minutes.  They will get the point.

CS may not be as 'pungent' as garlic but the action of uptake into the blood
stream is occurring thus starting the cleansing. I would soak the feet in CS
daily or even twice a day, and massage the toes plus the corresponding
points on the hands.  If they have been into 'wholistic' for a while they
might be able to stretch their mind around articular stimulation of the 'eye
points' with the residue of CS that is on their hands after the foot/hand
massage. Give it some time.  Sometimes it's nice to be nice to one's self,
and we grow to like ourselves better when we take care of ourselves.  It
starts to feel good.  There's more than retina damage going on when
observing from a wholistic perspective.

Vision is not just sight as measured by an optometrist.  Food for thought:
Deepak Chopra said in a local conference '20/20 is effectively blindness -
look beyond'.  

I have experienced significant changes in vision.  After a car 'accident'
with a whip lash I worked at 18 - 24 pt with double and sometimes triple
vision.  At that time I was 'challenged'.  There were things in life I did
not want to see.  Now I believe there is 'no such thing as an accident'.  It
was all synchronistic and I created it totally even though his car wapped my
stopped car and I was the 'victim' legally. I used EO's around my eyes for a
couple of months, and now 8 years later (before CS) continue to work at 10
pt, single vision with out visual aid.  It's not family DNA - all younger
siblings and parents have glasses. It's just my experience and conclusions.
My eyes go 'blurry' when I don't have a 'clear handle' on what is happening
or I'm in denial.  Observation - I developed 'black spots' when I was angry.
Gulp!  Could I be looking at life through 'rose coloured lenses?'  You
betcha! UGH!  It comes in layers to be peeled away like an onion, and
sometimes there are tears. To resolve the 'black spots', I had to deal with
'my emotional stuff' and redid oils for a week or so to dissolve my
'resistance'. Sometimes denial is the right place because it provides relief
from the intensity of the situation, and a time to step back and regroup.

I've also worked with sighted children who have been taught to 'see' with
their hands when totally blindfolded.  There are kids in Mexico who extended
their sight to be able to play soccer while blindfolded.  We can use more
than one sense to 'see'.  But that's another story.


From: Marshall Dudley <>  Tue, 03 Aug 2004 12:40:07

And it is extremely difficult to apply CS directly to one's retina!


Sally Khanna wrote:
I knew someone who lost his eyesight from staring at the sun.  I know there
is a yoga execrise which involves staring at the sun, but for brief periods.
I've been told the retina can get burned otherwise. Sally wrote:
I used the red LEDs directly over my right and left eyes. I took off the
array when it got too hot which takes a few min. The effect is everything is
sharper and brighter in these 40yr old eyes. My wife reports the same with
her eyes as well. I lost my fear of trying this when I read some testimonies
about people staring into the sun for short periods and having there vision
actually improve. There is a story of a sadistic Korean doctor who forced
American POWs to stare at the sun for 10 hours a day during the Korean war..
If they blinked they were threatened with death. They all had better
eyesight after a year and only suffered from headaches and neck aches. Some
no longer needed there glasses. I also read the Univ, of Wisconsin Med
school (Dr Harry Whelan who also works for the Gov. an! d NASA) is using
LEDs in research testing to heal the eyes of blinded mice using 670nm red
LEDs. I would NOT put a red laser in my eyes as the beam is far more
concentrated and supposedly you can overdose with lasers but not LEDs. After
a while we may hear of some people using lasers for eyesight improvement but
I am not ready to try that yet.

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