When the media trashes something in this manner, my BS alarm listens.
Especially when there are sell out crowds, and it's being held over in the
cities it's being shown.

This film that might help skeptics of CS and other healing modalities beyond
allopathic protocols re-consider the foundation of ideas we have been taught
about health... 

It must be good. Ruthe Stein in the San Francisco Chronicle referred to
those interviewed as 'these' so-called experts. As a journalist with no
science degrees she determined that the former head of his Materials
Department at Stanford (Bill Tiller) is a 'so-called' expert. And
sarcastically dismisses Dr. Candace Pert, who discovered the
peptide/receptor model of cells whose work is in the Nobel category another
'so-called expert'.  Something stinks ... a media smear???  Is truth instead
of malarkey or another 'brain dead action' movie being shown?

Lucky you who live in centres where it is being held over to sell out
--- ³What the #$*! Do We Know?!² --- http://www.whatthebleep.com/


Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ
from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even
incapable of forming such opinions.  - Albert Einstein