I have found that there are distinctly a few 'professional' con artists.
Most are as you describe "Con people aren't always evil. Most aren't at all
happy. Some believe their own con game or just can't see it themselves. A
few are trying to force you into loving them. They feel that no one
could..just do it.  Emotional vampires who don't know any other way."

>From my point of view any vampire type of action are people who have veils
on their windows of perception - some of their own making, and some
sustained by interpersonal relationships, and some projected by others who
disagree with our point of view, or have vested interest in not being
'caught out' and by pouring their stuff into you restrict our movement.
When some of the anger is dissolved out of liver, gall bladder, or grief
from lungs, large intestine, or fear from kidneys, bladder, or bitterness
from heart and small intestine, or anxiety from stomach, pancreas/spleen
then perceptions change. If one does not have a 'button' it cannot be
pushed.  Some of the need to drain others - emotionally, financially,
mentally (vampirize) diminish as the dams of self protection start to drain.

We hold that stuff in our organs, endocrine or body parts.  Over time it can
look like dis-ease/stiffness/weary. Behind the ail-ment is an illusion, a
misperception of thought that was often conditioned into the body system
perhaps when  we were young from family, school, relatives, religion....
eg. the flu season,  'it runs in our family' - of course it does - before
the ail-ment is the common beliefs.  Dis-eased beliefs are a leak in the
energy fields that only truth/clearity can repair. The body knows how.

To paraphrase Garnet -" Life is for learning. Pain is a messenger.  Being
conned is a pain/messenger." --- It only builds self responsibility if we
get the message.  The vampire shows us where we have energy leaks.
Otherwise, loading the body with toxicity/drugs/chemo will create an
illusion of wellness, but without moving the dis-eased belief it will
reappear in a more virulent form the second time.  The choice is covering
up, self medicating, or going to the root of the cause. It's a choice
relative to consciousness.


> From: Ode Coyote <odecoy...@alltel.net>

> I was once conned out of $7,800.
> That's not counting the nickles and dimes..$5 here, $500 there.
> Instead of getting mad, I started hanging out with that guy.
> Then I found more con artists and hung out with them. [New Agers, mostly]
> It had become very clear that I needed to learn a few things...mostly
> about myself.
> Why was I such a good 'mark'?
> Expensive, but very valuable lessons.
> I discovered that some of the closest people in my life were con artists.
> Many of them are still in my life, still friendlies, some aren't..but they
> don't con me any more.
> I know what they're doing and still sometimes go along.
> Con people aren't always evil. Most aren't at all happy. Some believe their
> own con game or just can't see it themselves.
> A few are trying to force you into loving them. They feel that no one
> could..just do it.
> Emotional vampires who don't know any other way.
> I 'could be' very rich and have groupies.
> I know how.
> ode
> At 05:25 PM 8/22/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>> Rip off artists are every where in life. I don't know how anyone can get
>> to adulthood without some awareness that one must be diligent in
>> checking out any and all instances where there could be a conflict of
>> interest. I therefore believe that those who get ripped off by these
>> types of obvious phonies without making some attempt to confirm the
>> information or the practitioner as valid are acting out an emotional
>> agenda of one sort or another.
>> Life is for learning and pain is often the messenger, the pain of being
>> conned for instance.
>> Garnet

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