What happens to CS in the blood?

A thought occurred to me today.  Several times on the list, people have
postulated that CS turns to Silver Chloride in the blood Stream?  Others
have argued that it doesn't.

When table salt is added to CS, even in small amounts, it turns cloudy,

Urine is a clear blood filtrate, probably fairly close to that of blood
itself, especially early in the morning.  If CS were to turn to Silver
Chloride in the blood, you should see urine turn very cloudy upon the
addition of Colloidal Silver, or the CS should turn cloudy upon the addition
of the urine.

I haven't done this but the test sure seems reasonable to me.

Has anyone else seen the logic of this?  Has anyone tried it?  I haven't

Interesting to see what would  happen with the clear a.m. voidings of
different people with CS added to it.



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