Silver has been found in the brains of cadavers. It got there somehow.
Silver cupro staining is used to detect nerve damage. It has an affinity for damaged nerve tissues over healthy ones.
Some may misconstrue that as an indication that silver 'caused' the damage to the cadaver.

Reports from Herpies people say that small amounts of CS taken daily stops the occurrance of outbreaks, but does not "cure" the disease.
Herpies hides inside nerve cells... without harming them [???]
Silver has an affinity for damaged nerve cells.
The brain has about the best blood circulation system in the whole body and it's very easy to intoxicate the brain. There doesn't seem to be any elves sorting substances out in the entry ways.
Therefore, it stands to reason that a barrier would be a cell by cell affair common to all healthy nerve tissue but not unhealthy nerve tissue.

If the blood brain barrier is not a complete myth, it's at least not a perfect barrier and may well be a 'selective' barrier channeling CS only to where it's needed.

My friend with brain cancer died last summer. His wife said he went down hill faster after drinking a lot of CS every day.
Too little too late? Too much too late? Just plain too late? No effect one way or the other...Sheer coincidence?
He had the tumor for 5 years before trying CS and was already sliding fast.
I dunno.

I do know..He was building his wife and kid a new house by himself. When he got so he couldn't move right, many contractors brought their crews over for vounteer weekend building marathons and the house was DONE..for free..just before my friend died.
The place looked like an ant colony with scaffolds and ladder rack trucks clogging the yard every weekend, all weekend, from dawn to dark for 3 months. [ But each side and section of the house looks just a little bit different to a knowing eye.]
Pretty darned impressive.

At 10:08 PM 1/6/2005 -0500, you wrote:
i believe that silver is not supposed to cross the blood/brain barrier as it has
been called "toxic". certainly adding a little dmso to silver will allow it to penetrate
deeper if that is possible.
On Jan 6, 2005, at 1:09 PM, wrote:

Hello All,
I finally got a CS generator (Silverpuppy) and need input as far as the best method to get CS past the blood/brain barrier?

Thanks From N.E. Oklahoma,


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