Hi Wendy,

As for using CS in beekeeping, I would definitely not do it based on what I've read here. Most of the diseases and parasites wouldn't be likely to respond anyway since they're not bacterial. From what I've heard however I wouldn't hesitate to use formic acid--it occurs naturally in the insect world after all. As I understand it, you spray it on them only at very specific times for the varroa mites. Paired with crisco patties, lots of beekeepers have had success in getting away from toxic chemical management. However there seem to be so many variables--climate, weather patterns, proximity of other hives etc.--that the only reasonable thing is to find someone using holistic hive management in your area and see what works there.

It is so heartbreaking to lose a hive. The decision we've made is to abandon selling honey and relying on bees as a money-maker until the bee population can rebuild and recoup. Oddly enough we want to see healthy bees swarm back into the wild. But we're in a minority and it'll be a long road.

All the best to you and your husband,

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